
李 月嘉
職稱 助理教授
姓名 李 月嘉
聯絡電話 02-3366-4125
電子郵件 yuejialee7@ntu.edu.tw
學歷 密西西比州立大學獸醫學博士 (2019)
研究專長 細菌生理學、
個人網址 https://yuejialee7.wixsite.com/leemicrobiologylab
  1. Lee, Y. J., & Inzana, T. J. (2021). Extraction and electrophoretic analysis of bacterial lipopolysaccharides and outer membrane proteins. Bio-protocol. 11(24), e4263. 

  2. Lee, Y. J., & Wang, C. (2020). Proteomic analysis reveals the temperature-dependent presence of extracytoplasmic peptidases in the biofilm exoproteome of Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e. Journal of Microbiology. 58(9), 761-771.

  3. Lee, Y. J., & Wang, C. (2020). Links between S-adenosylmethionine and Agr-based quorum sensing for biofilm development in Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e. MicrobiologyOpen, 9(5), e1015.

  4. Chiang C. M., Chiu H. Y., Jong D. S., Wu L. S., Lee Y. J. (Co-corresponding author), & Chiu C. H. (2020). Role of the Kisspeptin/KISS1 Receptor System in the Testicular Development of Mice. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. Epub ahead of print. 10.1097/jcma.0000000000000443.

  5. Yang, W. Y., Lee, Y. J., Lu, H., Chou, C. H., & Wang, C. (2019). Analysis of contributory gut microbiota and lauric acid against necrotic enteritis in Clostridium perfringens and Eimeria side-by-side challenge model. PLOS One. 14(5), e0205784.

  6. Yang, W. Y., Lee, Y. J., Lu, H., Branton, S. L., Chou, C.H. & Wang, C. (2019). netB-positive Clostridium perfringens in the experimental induction of necrotic enteritis with or without predisposing factors. Poultry Science. pez311.

  7. Lee, Y. J. & Wang, C. (2017). Morphological change and decreasing transfer rate of biofilm-featured Listeria monocytogenes EGDe. Journal of Food Protection, 80(3), 368-375.

  8. Wang, J. Y., Lee, Y. J. (Co-first author), Chou, M. C., Chang, R., Chiu, C. H., Liang, Y. J., & Wu, L. S. (2015). Astaxanthin protects steroidogenesis from hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in mouse Leydig cells. Marine Drugs, 13(3), 1375-1388.

  9. Hsu, M. C., Wang, J. Y., Lee, Y. J., Jong, D. S., Tsui, K. H., & Chiu, C. H. (2014). Kisspeptin modulates fertilization capacity of mouse spermatozoa. Reproduction, 147(6), 835-845.


Current topics include:
1. Study of pathogenic biofilm development and microbial interactions
2. Develop strategies for intervening in pathogenic biofilm formation in the food industry
3. Food microbiome analysis using sequencing techniques


對本實驗室研究主題有興趣者(學生或研究員),歡迎來信至 yuejialee7(at)ntu.edu.tw,與李博士聯絡。

2015/01 - 2019/08

博士, 美國密西西比州立大學 獸醫學院

2012/09 - 2014/06

碩士,國立臺灣大學 動物科學技術學系

2008/09 -2012/06

學士,國立臺灣大學 動物科學技術學系

2022/02 - 迄今

助理教授, 國立臺灣大學 食品科技所

2019/10 - 2022/01

博士後研究員, 美國長島大學 獸醫學院