
職稱 名譽教授
姓名 孫璐西
聯絡電話 02-2362-9984
學歷 美國 Rutgers University 食品科學博士 (1975)
研究專長 1.食品化學之保健功效及功能性成分。2.食品活性成分之生物可利用性。3.食品油脂學、食品安全學、食品色素與香味化學。
個人網址 http://www2.fst.ntu.edu.tw/teacher/Lucy/Chinese/index.htm
1.  Lucy Sun Hwang and Joseph D. Rosen*, 1976, Nitrosopyrrolidine Formation in Fried Bacon. J. Agric. Food Chem. 24(6): 1152-1154. (SCI)
2. Stephen S. Chang
*, Frank M. Vallese, Lucy Sun Hwang, Oliver A. L. Hsieh and David B. S. Min, 1977, Apparatus for the Isolation of Trace  Volatile Constituents  from Foods. J. Agric. and Food Chem. 25(3): 450-455. (SCI)
3. Chuu-Fwu Wuu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1980, Anthocyanins in Perilla Leaves.  Food Science (China) 7(1): 60-82.
4. 黃士安和孫璐西*,1980,紫蘇天然紅色素之研究:花青素含量隨品種與生長期之變化。 食品科學 7(2):161-169.
5. 黃士安和孫璐西*,1981,莧菜紅色素之研究,第一報:應用高效能液相層析法分離及鑑定莧菜紅色素。  食品科學  8(1):13-25.
6. 顏國欽,孫璐西*,李東慶,1981, 苦瓜子中蕃茄紅素之研究 I. 成分鑑定,蕃茄紅素含量之調查及催熟試驗。  
7. 黃卓治,李錦楓,孫璐西*,張為憲,李東慶,1981,胰蛋白梅納褐變反應之研究。中國農業化學會誌19(3,4):160-169.
8. 鄭玉磬,吳瑞碧,邱克明,周德虔,孫璐西*,1981,罐頭荔枝紅變之研究, 第一報: 紅變成因及其防治方法之探討。 
    食品科學  8(2):169-184.
9. 黃卓治,李錦楓,孫璐西*,張為憲,李東慶,1982,梅胚太陽能乾燥之研究I.梅子中色素成分之分析。 屏東農專學報  23:63-69.
10. 黃卓治,李錦楓,孫璐西*,張為憲,李東慶,1982,梅胚太陽能乾燥之研究 II.梅胚在日曬過程中顏色變化。
11. 黃鎮剛,顏國欽,孫璐西*,1982,植物油攙假之檢驗:利用高效能液相層析儀分析三甘油酯組成。

12.Chu-Chin Chen*, May-Chien Kuo, Lucy Sun Hwang, James Swi-Bea Wu and Chung-May  Wu, 1982.  Headspace Components of Passion Fruit Juice. J. Agric. and Food Chem. 30: 1211-1215. (SCI)
13. James T. Carlin, Ken N. Lee, Oliver S. -L. Hsieh, Lucy Sun Hwang*, Chi-Tang Ho and Stephen S. Chang, 1982, Cocoa Butter Flavors.36th PMCA Production Conference 95-104.
14. 顏裕鴻和孫璐西*,1983,油炸油品質測定法及其摻入食用油中之檢驗。台大農學院研究報告  23:67-79.
15. 劉兆宏和孫璐西*,1983,紫蘇紅色素之研究:採收後處理對花青素含量之影響。食品科學  10(3,4):43-53.
16. 王朝鐘,林仁琨,孫璐西*,1983,莧菜紅色素之毒性研究。食品科學  10(3,4):54-61.
17. 鄭玉磬和孫璐西*,1984,罐頭荔枝紅變之研究,第二報:紅變色素之探討。食品科學  11(1,2):134-144.
18. Chau-Jong Wang, Lucy Sun Hwang* and Jen-Kun Lin, 1984, Reversible Hepatic Black Pigmentation and Enzyme Alteration Inducted by Prolonged Feeding of High Dose of Crocin Dyes in Rats. Proceedings of the National Science Council, Part B. 8 (3) :246-253.
19. 顏國欽和孫璐西*,1984,食用植物油中攙有米糠油之簡易檢驗法。食品科學  11(3,4):213-217.
20. 顏國欽和孫璐西*,1985,苦瓜子中蕃茄紅素之研究 II. 貯藏安定性,粉末蕃茄紅素之製備及食品應用。
21. 沈漢光和孫璐西*,1985,莧菜紅色素之研究,第二報:採收後處理對色素含量之影響。食品科學  12(1,2):12-20.
22. Been Huang Chiang, Chung Liang Chu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1986, Mushroom Blanch Water Concentration by Membrance Processes. J. Food
      Science 51 (3):608-613. (SCI)
23. Zer Ran Yu, Been Huang Chiang and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1986, Retention of Passion Fruit Juice Compounds by Ultrafiltration. J. Food Science
     51(6): 841-842. (SCI)
24. Mei Yuh Chung, Lucy Sun Hwang* and Been Huang Chiang, 1986, Concentration of Perilla Anthocyanins by Ultrafiltration. J. Food Science
      51(6):1494-1497. (SCI)
25. 郝龍斌,楊博光,孫璐西*,1986,油脂加熱及油炸過程中品質之測定。中國農業化學會誌  24(4):397-405.
26. James T. Carlin, Ken N. Lee, Oliver A. -L. Hsieh, Lucy Sun Hwang*, Chi-Tang Ho and Stephen S. Chang, 1986, Comparison of Acidic and      Basic Volatile Compounds of Cocoa Butters from Roasted and Unroasted Cocoa Beans. JAOCS 63(8):1031-1036. (SCI)
27. 郝龍斌,徐孟熙,孫璐西*,1987,飲食攤販所用炸由品質之評估。中國農業化學會誌  25(3):251-262.
28. Chi-Tang Ho, James T. Carlin, Tzou-Chi Huang, Lucy Sun Hwang* and Lung-Bin Hau, 1987, Flavor Development in Deep-Fat Fried Foods.      Flavor Science and Technology P. 35-42.
29. 翁瑞光和孫璐西*,1988,以經驗模式探討米油之鎳催化氫化反應。中國農業化學會誌  26(4):574-587.
30. 翁瑞光和孫璐西*,1989,以毛細管柱氣相層析法分析油脂之三甘油酯組成。食品科學  16(1):1-13.
31. Si S. Lin, Been H. Chiang and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1989, Purification of Perilla Anthocyanins from Spent Brine by Diafiltration and
Electrodialysis. J. Food Engineering. 9(1):21-33. (SCI)
32. 翁瑞光和孫璐西*,1989,影響油脂溶劑區分效果因素的探討。中國農業化學會誌  27(2):218-232.
33. 陳昭雄,梁哲豪,孫璐西*,1989,魷魚肝油中砆喃脂肪酸之分析。食品科學16(3):243-249.
34. 孫璐西*和許明仁,1990,荖藤花揮發性香氣成分之研究。食品科學  17(4):298-305.
35. 張永鍾和孫璐西*,1990,竹筍中紫杉氰醣甘之分析與其隨加工之變化。食品科學  17(4):315-327.
36. An-I Yeh, Jer-Hour Liang and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1991, Separation of Fatty Acid Esters from Cholesterol in Esterified Natural and Synthetic    Mix-tures by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. J. American Oil Chemists' Society. 68(4): 224-229.
37. 陳昭雄,郝龍斌,孫璐西*,1991,立體阻礙對魷魚肝油自氧化反應之影響。食品科學 18(2):135-140.
38. 翁瑞光和孫璐西*,1991,操作條件對氫化米油固體脂含量的影響。食品科學  18(2):154-165.
39. 陳昭雄,郝龍斌,孫璐西*,1992,氧化魷魚內臟油中二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸氫過氧化物之分析。
40. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Chin-Kun Wang, Ming-Jen Sheu and Lung-Sen Kao, 1992, Phenolic Compounds of Piper betle Flower as Flavoring and Neuronal Activity Modulating Agents. American Chemical Society (ACS) Symposium Series. 506: 200-213.(SCI)
41. 翁瑞光和孫璐西*,1992,以含硫之鎳催化劑Nysel SP7氫化米油之探討。宜蘭農工學報  4:1-18.
42. 翁瑞光,張壽昌,孫璐西*,1992,米油物理精鍊法之探討。中國農化會誌30(4):532-543
43. 陳昭雄,郝龍斌,孫璐西*,1992,魷魚肝油光氧化反應之探討。食品科學19(4):511-516
44. 邱一鳴和孫璐西*,1992,米糠油、豬油、黃豆油及米糠油調合油氧化穩定性之比較。宜蘭農工學報 5: 22-42.
45. 林志城和孫璐西*,1993,生育醇、β-胡蘿蔔素和抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯對魷魚內臟油氧化安定性之影響。
 31(3): 365-377。
46. 吳白玟和孫璐西*,1993,以高效能液相層析法分析草蝦頭中紅色素。藥物食品分析 1(2): 175-182。
47. 張永鍾和
孫璐西*,1993,竹筍中紫杉氰醣甘定量法之探討。 中國農化會誌 31(4): 506-517。
48. Chih-Cheng Lin, Kenshiro Fujimoto and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1993, The Antioxidative Effect of Protein on Hemoglobin-Catalyzed Oxidation of  Sardine Oil in An Emulsion System. Nippon Shokuhin Kogyo Gakkaishi (J. of the Japanse Society for Food Science and Technology) 40(8): 602-      608. (SCI)
49. 王進崑和孫璐西*,1993,荖花中黃樟素之分離去除。中國農化會誌 31(4): 566-569。
50. 陳炳輝,陳振森,孫璐西*,1993,不同乾燥方法對百慕達草中類胡蘿蔔素異構物形成的影響。中國農化會誌 31(5): 642-652。
51. 王進崑和孫璐西*,1993, 檳榔嚼塊中酚類化合物之分析。中國農化會誌 31(5): 623-632。
52. 王進崑和孫璐西*,1993, 檳榔嚼塊之咀嚼汁液中酚類化合物之分析。 食品科學 20(5): 458-471。
53. 王進崑和孫璐西*,1993, 檳榔子中植物鹼之分離及水解反應之探討。 食品科學 20(6): 514-526。
54.Chung Wen Chen, Lucy Sun Hwang*,1994, Volatile Compounds of Lards from Different Treatments. American Chemical Society (ACS) Symposium Series 558: 244-255. (SCI)
55. Chih-Cheng Lin, Shan-Yang Lin and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1995, Microencapsulation of Squid Oil with Hydrophilic Macromoleules for Oxidative and Thermal Stabilization. J. Food Science 60(1): 36-39. (SCI)
56. Shan-Yang Lin, Lucy Sun Hwang* and Chih-Cheng Lin, 1995, Thermal Analyser and Micro FT-IR/DSC System Used to Determine the Protective Ability of Microencapsulated Squid Oil. J. of Microencapsulation 12(2): 165-172.(SCI)
57. 王璧娟,余哲仁,孫璐西*,1995,以薄層色層分析法定量葉綠素及其衍生物。 中國農業化學會誌 33 (5) : 550-560
58. 王璧娟,余哲仁,孫璐西*,1995,各種處理對西洋菜加工時葉綠素保存的效應。中國農業化學會誌 33 (6) : 698-707
59. 陳重文,孫璐西*,1996,豬油中膽固醇及膽固醇酯含量之測定。食品科學 23 (3): 367-376
60. 高雅敏,孫璐西*,1997. 魷魚乾中膽固醇氧化產物之分析. 食品科學 24(2):242-257.
61. 梁哲豪,孫璐西*,1997.魷魚內臟油之乙基酯化反應. 食品科學 24(4):408-418.
62. Chin-Kun Wang and Lucy Sun Hwang, 1997. Effect of Betel Quid on Catecholamine Secretion from Adrenal Chromaffin Cells. Proceedings of the National Science Council, Part B. 21(4): 129-136.
63. 劉益善, 陳辰昌, 孫璐西*, 1997. 應用超臨界二氧化碳萃取茶精於茶酒之研製. 酒類試驗研究所研究年報 86:155-168.
64. Shyi-Liang Shyu, Lung-Bin Hau and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1998. Effect of Vacuum Frying on the Oxidative Stability of Oils. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 75(10): 1393-1398 (SCI)
65. Shyi-Liang Shyu, Lung-Bin Hau and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1998. Influence of Vacuum Frying Time on the Chemical Constituents of Fried Carrot Chips. Food Sci., 25(6) : 737-747.
66. Chung-Wen Chen, Yi-Wei Chang and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1998. Rapid Analysis of Theaflavins by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/ Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization-Mass Spectrometry. J. Food and Drug Analysis. 6(4):713-718. (SCI)
67. 孫璐西*,廖怡禎, 1998. 超臨界流體技術在食品工業中之應用. 化工技術雜誌6(10):148-170.
68. Anya M. Y. Lin, B. Y. Chyi, L. Y. Wu, L. S. Hwang* and L. T. Ho, 1998. The Antioxidative Property of Green Tea against Iron-induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Brain. Chinese Journal of Physiology. 41(1): 189-194.
69. 邱郁雯, 廖怡禎, 孫璐西*, 1999. 水份含量對連續式超臨界二氧化碳下之酵素性酯化反應的影響. 中國農化會誌 37(1):87-94
70. Shyi-Liang Shyu, Lung-Bin Hau and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 1999. Effect of Vacuum Frying Temperature on the Chemical Components of Fried Carrot Chips. Food Sci. and Agric. Chem. 1(1):61-66. (SCI)
71. 徐錫樑,孫璐西*,1999. 真空油炸紅蘿蔔脆片貯藏安定性之探討. 食品科學26(1):109-119.
72. 徐錫樑,孫璐西*,1999. 蘋果片在真空油炸期間化學成分之變化. 食品科學26(5):507-516.
73. Yung-Chung Chang, Lucy Sun Hwang* and Hung-Min Chang, 1999, Effect of Calcium and Thrombin on the Turbidity Changes and the Gelation Properties of Swine Plasma. Food Research International. 32(8): 553-558. (SCI)
74. 徐錫樑,孫璐西*, 2000. 高溫短時間真空油炸對紅蘿蔔脆片品質之影響.台灣農業化學與食品科學 38(1):36-41.
75. Jer-Hour Liang and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2000. Fractionation of Squid Visceral Oil Ethyl Esters by Short-Path Distillation. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 77(7): 773-777. (SCI)
76. 陳重文,葉安義,孫璐西*,2000. 萃取槽之溫度梯度操作對超臨界二氧化碳分離豬油中膽固醇之影響. 大仁學報19: 31-48.
77. Shyi-Liang Shyu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2000. Effects of Processing Conditions on the Quality of Vacuum Fried Apple Chips. Food Research International. 34: 133-142. (SCI)
78. Lucy Sun Hwang*, and Jer-Hour Liang, 2001. Fractionation of Urea-pretreated Squid Visceral Oil Ethyl Esters. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 78(5): 473-476. (SCI)
79.Yung Shin Shyu and Lucy Sun Hwang*. 2002. Antioxidative Activity of Crude Extract of Lignan Glycosides from Unroasted Burma Black Sesame Meal. Food Research International. 35(4): 357-365. (SCI)
80. Pai-Wen Wu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2002. Determination of Soluble Persimmon Tannin by High Performance Gel Permeation Chromatography. Food Research International.  35(8): 793-800. (SCI)
81. Chih-Cheng Lin and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2002. A Comparison of the Effects of Various Purification Treatments on the Oxidative Stability of Squid Visceral Oil. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 79(5): 489-494. (SCI)
82. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Lan-Chi Lin, Nien-Tsu Chen, Huei-Chiuan Liuchang, and Ming-Shi Shiao, 2003. Hypolipidemic Effect and Antiatherogenic Potential of Pu-Erh Tea. ACS Symposium Series 859: 87-103. (SCI)
83. 吳亮宜,簡永亮,蘇正元,何承璋,盧崇如,孫璐西*, 2003. 市售綠茶飲品對倉鼠血脂及低密度脂蛋白氧化之影響. 中華民國營養學會雜誌 28(3):158-167.
84. Deng-Jye Yang, Ting-Jang Lu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2003. Isolation and Identification of the Steroidal Saponins in Taiwanese Yam Cultivar (Dioscorea pseudojaponica Yamamoto)". J. Agric. Food Chem. 51(22): 6438-6444. (SCI)
85. Deng-Jye Yang, Ting-Jang Lu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2003. Simultaneous Determination of Furostanol and Spirostanol Glycosides in Taiwanese Yam (Dioscorea spp.) Cultivars by High-performance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Food Drug Analysis 11(4): 271-276. (SCI)
86. Liang-Yi Wu, Chi-Chang Juan, Lucy Sun Hwang*, Yu-Pei Hsu, Pei-Hsuan Ho and Low-Tone Ho*, 2003. Green tea Supplementation Ameliorates Insulin Resistance and Increases Glucose Transporter IV Content in a Fructose-fed Rat Model. European Journal of Nutrition 52(3): 643-648. (SCI)
87. Liang-Yi Wu, Chi-Chang Juan, Lucy Sun Hwang, Yung-Pei Hsu, Pei-Hsuan Ho and Low-Tone Ho*, 2004. Green Tea Supplementation Ameliorates Insulin Resistance and Increases Glucose Transporter IV Content in a Fructose-fed Rat Model. European Journal of Nutrition 43(2): 116-124. (SCI)
88. Shyi-Liang Shyu, Lung-Bin Hau and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2005. Effects of processing conditions on the quality of vacuum-fried carrot chips. J. Sci. Food Agric. 85(11): 1903-1908. (SCI)
89. Deng-Jye Yang and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2006. Study on the Conversion of Three Natural Statins from Lactone Forms to Their Corresponding Hydroxy Acid Forms and Their Determination in Pu-Erh Tea. J. Chromatogr. A 1119: 277-284. (SCI)
90. Wei-Chih Cheng, Shun-Wen Hsiao, Shin-Shou Chou, Lucy Sun Hwang, T. J. Lu and An-I Yeh*, 2006. Determination of Acrylamide in Chinese Foods by GC-lon Trap MS Using 2-Bromopropenamide and 2-Bromopropenamide-13C3. Journal of Food Drug Analysis 14(2) 207-214. (SCI)
91. Deng-Jye Yang, Lucy Sun Hwang*, Jau-Tien Lin, 2007. Effects of Different Steeping Methods and Storage on Caffeine, Catechins and Gallic Acid in Bag Tea Infusions. J. Chromatogr. A 1156: 312-320.  (SCI)
92. Cheng-Chang Ho, Yung-Ling Chein and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2007. Beneficial Effects of Plant Sterols/Stanols-Containing Milk Powder on Lipid Metabolism in Hamsters. Journal of Food Drug Analysis 15(2): 191-201. (SCI)
93. Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2007. Recent Research and Development of Functional Food in Taiwan. The Journal of Medical Investigation 54(3, 4): 389-391.
94. Su-Chen Ho, Lucy Sun Hwang, Yi-Jane Shen and Chih-Cheng Lin*, 2007. Suppressive Effect of a Proanthocyanidin-rich Extract from Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) Flowers on Nitric Oxide Production in LPS-Stimulated Macrophage Cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 55(26): 10664-10670. (SCI)
95. Chi-Hua Lu, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2008. Polyphenol contents of Pu-Erh teas and their abilities to inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis in Hep G2 cell line. Food Chem. 111: 67-71. (SCI)
96. Meng-Chieh Hsieh, Yi-Jane Shen, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2008. Antioxidative Activity and Active Components of Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) Flower Extracts. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56(16): 7010-7016.(SCI)
97. Kuo-Ching Jan, Chi-Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2008. Bioavailability and Tissue Distribution of Sesamol in Rat. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56(16): 7032-7037. (SCI)
98. Zheng-Yuan Su, Lucy Sun Hwang, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, Chin-Hang Shu and Lee-Yan Sheen*, 2008. Black Soybean Promotes the Formation of Active Components with Anti-hepatoma Activity in the Fermentation Product of Agaricus blazei. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56(20): 9447-9454 (SCI)
99. Hui-Yun Tsai, Liang-Yi Wu, and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2008. Effect of a proanthocyanidin-rich extract from longan flower on markers of metabolic syndrome in fructose-fed rats. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56(22): 11018-11024. (SCI)
100. Deng-Jye Yang, Ting-Jang Lu, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2009. Effect of endogenous glycosidase on stability of steroidal saponins in Taiwaneseyam (Dioscorea pseudojaponica yamamoto) during drying processes. Food Chem. 113: 155–159. (SCI)
101. Cheng Chang Ho, Alaganandam Kumaran and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2009. Bio-assay Guided Isolation and Identification of Anti-Alzheimer Active Compounds 2 from the Root of Angelica sinensis. Food Chem. 114: 246-252. (SCI)
102. Yung-Shin Shyu, Jean-Yu Hwang and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2009. Effect of Roasting Condition on the Antioxidative Activity of the Methanolic Extract from Defatted Sesame Meal. Journal of Food Drug Analysis 17(4): 300-306. (SCI)
103. Kuo-Ching Jan, Chi-Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2009. Elimination and metabolism of sesamol, a bioactive compound in sesame oil, in rats. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 53: 36-43. (SCI)
104. Kuo-Ching Jan, Lucy Sun Hwang* and Chi-Tang Ho*, 2009. Tissue distribution and elimination of sesaminol triglucoside and its metabolites in rat. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 53: 815-825. (SCI)
105. Kuo-Ching Jan, Lucy Sun Hwang* and Chi-Tang Ho*, 2009. Biotransformation of Sesaminol Triglucoside to Mammalian Lignans by Intestinal Microbiota. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57: 6101-6106. (SCI)
106. Ching-Han Yu, Shu-Fen Kan, Chin-Hang Shu, Ting-Jang Lu, Lucy Sun Hwang and Paulus S. Wang*, 2009. Inhibitory mechanisms of Agaricus blazei Murill on the growth of prostate cancer in vitro and in vivo. 
J Nutr Biochem. 20: 753-764 (SCI)
107. Chia-Ding Liao, Wei-Lun Hung, Kuo-Ching Jan, An-I Yeh, Chi-Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2010. Nano/sub-microsized lignan glycosides from sesame meal exhibit higher transport and absorption efficiency in Caco-2 cell monolayer. Food Chem. 119: 896-902. (SCI)
108. Yung Liang Chien, Liang Yi Wu, Tsung Cheng Lee and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2010 Cholesterol-Lowering Effect of Phytosterol-Containing Lactic-Fermented Milk Powder in Hamsters. Food Chem. 119: 1121-1126. (SCI)
109. Chia-Ding Liao, Wei-Lun Hung, Wen-Chien Lu, Kuo-Ching Jan, Daniel Yang-Chih Shih, An-I Yeh, Chi-Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2010. Differential Tissue Distribution of Sesaminol Triglucoside and Its Metabolites in Rats Fed with Lignan Glycosides from Sesame Meal with or without Nano/Sub-Microsizing. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 563-569. (SCI)
110. Kuo-Ching Jan, Kuo-Lung Ku, Lucy Sun Hwang*, and Chi-Tang Ho*, 2010. Tissue Distribution and Elimination of Estrogenic and Anti-inflammatory Catechol Metabolites from Sesaminol Triglucoside in Rats. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 7693-7700. (SCI)
111. Yung Liang Chien, Chi Tang Ho, Been Huang Chiang and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2011. Effect of Fermentation Time on Antioxidative Activities of Ganoderma lucidum Broth Using Leguminous Plants as Part of the Liquid Fermentation Medium. Food Chem. 126: 1586-1592. (SCI)
112. Wei-Lun Hung, Chi Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2011. "Inhibitory Activity of Natural Occurring Antioxidants on Thiyl Radical-induced Trans-Arachidonic Acid Formation" J. Agric. Food Chem. 59(5): 1968-1973. (SCI)
113. Kuo-Ching Jan, Kuo-Lung Ku, Yan-Hwa Chu, Lucy Sun Hwang* and Chi-Tang Ho*, 2011. Intestinal Distribution and Excretion of Sesaminol and Its Tetrahydrofuranoid Metabolites in Rats. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59(7): 3078-3086. (SCI)
114. Zheng-Yuan Su, Yen-Chen Tung, Lucy Sun Hwang, and Lee-Yan Sheen*, 2011. Blazeispirol A from Agaricus blazei Fermentation Product Induces Cell Death in Human Hepatoma Hep 3B Cells Through Caspase-dependent and Caspase-independent Pathways. J Agric Food Chem. 59(9): 5109-5116. (SCI)
115. Wen-Chien Lu, Wei-Ting Huang, Alaganandam Kumaran, Chi-Tang Ho, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2011, Transformation of Proanthocyanidin A2 to Its  Isomers under Different Physiological pH Conditions and Common cell Culture Medium. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 6214–6220. (SCI)
Shyi-Liang Shyu and Lucy Sun Hwang*.2011.Process Optimization of Vacuum Fried Carrot Chips Using Central Composite Rotatable Design.Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, vol. 19, No.3, 2011, Pages 324-330.

117.Anya Maan-Yuh Lin, Liang-Yi Wu, Kai-Chih Hung, Hui-Ju Huang, Yen Ping Lei, Wen-Chien Lu, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2012. Neuroprotective Effects of   Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) Flower Water Extract on MPP+-induced Neurotoxicity in Rat Brain.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 60(36):9188-9194. (SCI)
118. Wen-Chien Lu, Jenn-Feng Sheen, Lucy Sun Hwang*, Guor-Jien Wei*,  2012. Identification of 5,7,3',4'-Tetramethoxyflavone Metabolites in Rat Urine by Isotope-Labeling Method and Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry. J. Agric. Food  Chem. 60(33): 8123-8128. (SCI)
119. Ching Jan, Yi-Wei Chang, 
Lucy Sun Hwang*, Chi-Tang Ho*, 2012. Tissue Distribution and Cytochrome P450 Inhibition of Sesaminol and Its Tetrahydrofuranoid Metabolites. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60(35): 8616-8623 (SCI)
120. Wei-Lun Hung, Chi-Hua Lu, Chia-Ding Liao, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2013. Safety Evaluation of Nano/sub-microsized Lignan Glycosides from Sesame Meal. Food Control. 30:129-136.(SCI)
121. Bo-Yang Hsu, Chia-Hui Chen, Ting-Jang Lu, Lucy Sun Huang *, 2013, Bioconversion of Ginsenosides in the American Ginseng(西洋參 Xī Yáng Shēn) Extraction Residue by Fermentation with Lingzhi (靈芝Líng Zhī, Ganoderma Lucidum). J. Tradit. Complementary Med. 3(2):95-101.
122. Zheng-Yuan Su, Lucy Sun Huang*, Been-Huang Chiang, Lee-Yan Sheen, 2013. Antihepatoma and Liver Protective Potentials of Ganoderma Lucidum (靈芝 Ling Zhi) Fermented in a Medium Containing Black Soybean (黑豆 Hēi Dòu) and Astragalus Membranaceus (生黃耆 Shēng Huáng Qí). J. Tradit. Complementary Med. 3(2):110-118.
123.Guor-Jien Wei*, Jenn-Feng Sheen, Wen-Chien Lu, Lucy Sun Hwang*, Chi-Tang Ho,and Ching-I Lin, 2013. Identification of Sinensetin Metabolites in Rat Urine by Isotope-Labeling Method and Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61(21):5016–5021. (SCI)
124. Bo Yang Hsu, Ting Jang Lu, Chia Hui Chen, Shing Jung Wang, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2013. Biotransformation of ginsenoside Rd in the ginseng extraction residue by fermentation with lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum). Food Chem.141:4186-4193. (SCI)
125. Guor-Jien Wei*, Lucy Sun Hwang*, Chia-Ling Tsai, 2014. Absolute Bioavailability, Pharmacokinetics and Excretion of 5,7,3',4'-Tetramethoxyflavone in Rats. Journal of Functional Foods. 7:136-141. (SCI)
126. Xiu-Yu Chen, I-Min Huang, Lucy Sun Hwang, Chi-Tang Ho, Shiming Li, Chih-Yu Lo*, 2014.   Anthocyanins in blackcurrant effectively prevent the formation of advanced glycation end products by trapping methylglyoxal. Journal of Functional Foods 8:259–268. (SCI)
127. Cheng-Chu Hsieh, Shih-Min Hsu, Lucy Sun Hwang, Jen-Hwey Chiu, Wen-Chien Lu, Ying-Ling Wu*, Shu-Chen Hsieh*, 2015. Protective effects of the extract from longan flower against hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. Journal of Functional Foods. 15:570–579.
128.Bo-Yang Hsu , Wei-Lun Hung , Chi-Tang Ho*, Irene H. Cheng, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2015. Protective effects of sesamol and ferulic acid on the formation of endogenous trans-arachidonic acid in hAPP J20 mice. Journal of Functional Foods 16:378–385. (SCI)

129.Wei-Lun Hung, Bo-Yang Hsu, Yen-Chen Tung, Chi-Tang Ho*, 
Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2016. Inhibitory effects of antioxidant vitamins against thiyl radical-induced trans fatty acid formation in PC-12 cells. Journal of Functional Foods 21:212-222. (SCI)

130.Wei-Lun Hung, Chia-Ding Liao, Wen-Chien Lu, Chi-Tang Ho*, 
Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2016. Lignan glycosides from sesame meal exhibit higher oral bioavailability and antioxidant activity in rat after nano/submicrosizing. Journal of Functional Foods 23:511-522. (SCI)

131.Wei-Lun Hung, Min-Hsiung Pan, Lucy Sun Hwang, Yu Wang, Fereidoon Shahidi*, Chi-Tang Ho**, 2016. Endogenous formation of trans fatty acids: Health implications and potential dietary intervention. Journal of Functional Foods 25:14-24. (SCI)

132. Cheng-Chu Hsieh, Chen-Chung Liao, Yi-Chun Liao, Lucy Sun Hwang, Liang-Yi Wu, Shu-Chen Hsieh*, 2016. Proteomic changes associated with metabolic syndrome in a fructose-fed rat model. Journal of food and Drug analysis 24:754-761. (SCI)

133. Alaganandam Kumaran*, Cheng Chang Ho, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2018. Protective effect of Nelumbo nucifera extracts on beta amyloid protein induced apoptosis in PC12 cells, in-vitro model of Alzheimer's disease.  Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 26:172-181.(SCI)

Wei-Lun Hung, Wei-Shan Chang, Wen-Chien Lu, Guor-Jien Wei, Yu Wang, Chi-Tang Ho, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2018. Pharmacokinetics, bioavailability, tissue distribution and excretion of tangeretin in rat. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis  26:849–857 (SCI)

Lan-Hsin Hung, Chi-Heng Wu, Bi-Fong Lin*,  Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2018. Hyperimmune colostrum alleviates rheumatoid arthritis in a collagen-induced arthritis murine model. J. Dairy Sci. 101:1–10. (SCI)
Bo-Yang Hsu , Shih-Ying Pan , Liang-Yi Wu , Chi-Tang Hod,1 , Lucy Sun Hwang* 2018. Hypoglycemic activity of Chenopodium formosanum Koidz. components using a glucose uptake assay with 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Food Bioscience. 24 : 9 - 6 (SCI)

Bo-Yang Hsu  , Chia-Hui Chen  , Ting-Jang Lu  , Min-Hsiung Pan  , Chi-Tang Ho3 , Lucy Sun Hwang  and Wei-Lun Hung * Bioconversion of Ginsenosides in American Ginseng Extraction Residue by Fermentation with Ganoderma lucidum Improves Insulin-like Glucose Uptake in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. Fermentation 2021, 7, 297
1. Color Stability and Food Application of Gardenia Pigment. Presented at the IFT 40th Annual Meeting, June 8-11, 1980. New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
2.  Food Safety Problems in the R. O. C. Presented at the ABMAC Meeting, Dec., 1981. New York, U. S. A.
3. Characterization of Some Volatile Constituents of Piper Betel L. Presented at the IFT 42nd Annual Meeting, June 22-25, 1982. Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.
4. Detection of Vegetable Oil Adulteration by HPLC Analysis of Tri-glycerides. Presented at the International Conference on Chemistry and World Food Supplies, Dec. 6-10, 1982. Manila, Philippines.
5. Stability of Rice Bran Oil during Deep Fat Frying. Presented at the AOCS 75th Annual Meeting, April 29 - May 3, 1984. Dallas, Texas, U. S. A.
6. Spray Dried Amaranthin Power from Amaranthus Tricolor as a Protential Red Food Colorant. Presented at the IFT 44th Annual Meeting, June 10-13, 1984. Anaheim, California, U. S. A.
7. Pink Discoloration of Canned Lychees (Litchi Chinensis Sonn). Presented at the seminar on "The Role of Chemistry in the Quality of Processed Foods". Aug. 6-10, 1984. Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.
8. Feasibility Study on the Physical Refining of Rice Bran Oil. Presented at the AOCS 76th Annual Meeting, May 5-9, 1985. Phila- depphia, P. A., U. S. A.
9. Mushroom Blanching Water Concentration by Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis. Presented at the IFT 45th Annual Meeting, June 9-12, 1985. Atlanta, Georgia, U. S. A.
10. Anthocyanin Extraction from Perilla Leaves and Concentration by Ultra-filtration and Reverse Osmosis. Presented at the IFT 45th Annual Meeting, June 9 - 12, 1985. Atlanta, Georgia, U. S. A.
11. Flavor Development in Deep-fat Fried Foods. Presented at the 5th Weurman Flavor Symposium, March, 1987.
12. Extraction, Concentratin and Stability of Perilla Anthocyanins. Presented at the 7th World Congress of Foods Science and Technology, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 1987. Singapore.
13. Recovery of Anthocyanins from the Spent Brine of Pickled Perilla Processing by Diafiltration and Electrodialysis. Presented at the 7th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 1987. Singapore.
14. Volatile Compounds Formed during Simulated Deep-Fat Frying of Rice Bran Oil. Presented at the AOCS 79th Annual Meeting, May 8 -12, 1988. Phoenix, Arizona, U. S. A.
15. Oxidation of Squid Visceral Oil. Presented at the ISF-JOCS World Congress 1988, Sept. 26 - 30, 1988. Tokyo, Japan.
16. Preparation and Fractionation of EPA and DHA Ethyl Esters from Squid Visceral Oil. Presented at the 1989 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Dec. 17 - 22, 1989. Honolulu, Hawaii, U. S. A.
17. Analysis of Taxiphyllin in Bamboo Shoots and Its Changes during Processing. Presented at the IFT 1990 Annual Meeting, June 17 - 20, 1990. Anaheim, California, U. S. A.
18. Selecting Process Conditions for Separating Ethyl Esters of Fatty Acids by Supercritical CO . Presented at the IFT 1990 Annual Meeting, June 17 - 20, 1990. Anaheim, California, U. S. A.
19. Phenolic Compounds of Piper betle Flower as Flavoring and Neuronal Activity Modulating Agents. Presented at the International Symposium on Phenolic Compounds in Foods and Health, 4th Chemical Congress of North America, Aug. 25-30, 1991. New York, N.Y., U. S. A.
20. Effects of Tocopherol, β -carotene and Ascorbyl Palmitate on the Oxidative Stability of Squid Visceral Oil. Presented at the First International Congress on Vitamins and Biofactors in Life Science, September 16 - 21, 1991. Kobe, Japan.
21. Past and Present of Taiwan Food Industry. Presented at the International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Oct. 12-14, 1992. Beijing, China.
22. Study on Volatile Compounds in Lard. Presented at the 205th American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 28 - April 2, 1993. Denver, Colorado, U. S. A.
23. Trends in the Research and Development of Chinese Foods. Presented at the Quest International Conference, May 9 - 11, 1993. Amsterdam, Holland.
24. Preparation of Fish Oil Powder. Presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Agglomeration, Nov. 15-17, 1993. Nagoya, Japan.
25. The Prooxidant Effect of Added α-Tocopherol in Squid Visceral Oil. Presented at 85th AOCS Annual Meeting, May 8-12, 1994. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
26. The Effect of Temperature Gradient Operation on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Separation of Cholesterol from Lard. Presented at 85th AOCS Annual Meeting, May 8-12, 1994. Atlanta, Georgia, U. S. A.
27. Stabilization of Squid Visceral Oil. Presented at The Sixth Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, July 4 - 8, 1994. Townsville, Australia.
28. Nerve Stimulating Substances in Betel Quid. Presented at The Second International Conference on Food Science and Technology, Sept. 27-30, 1994. Wuxi, China.
29. Determination of Cholesterol Oxidation Products in Four Dried Seafood Products. Presented at The Second International Food Data Base Conference, Aug. 27-30, 1995. Lahti, Finland.
30. Deodorant Activities of Various Tea Products. Presented at '95 International Tea-quality-Human Health Symposium, Nov. 7-10, 1995. Shanghai, China.
31. Changes of Linamarin Content During Cassava Processing. Presented at the 1995 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. Dec. 17-22, 1995. Honolulu, Hawaii, U. S. A.
32. Tea Extracts Reduce Volatile Sulfur Compounds Produced by Oral Pathogens. Presented at the 74th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, March 12-16, 1996. San Francisco, California, U. S. A.
 33. Cholesterol Oxidation Products in Dried Squid During Processing Storage and Roasting. Pressented at 1997 IFT. Annual Meeting, June 14-18, 1997. Orlando, Florida, U. S. A.

34. Lan-Chi Lin, Huei-Chiuan Liuchang, Lucy Sun Hwang and Ming-Shi Shiao ,1998. The Hypolipidemic and Antioxidative Effects of Pu-erh Tea. Presented at the lst Congress of Asian-Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases. March 14-18, 1998. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

35. Lucy Sun Hwang and Taur-Yuh Hung, 1998. Deodorant Components of Black Tea. Presented at The 5th International Symposium on Tea Culture. Oct. 10~12, 1998. Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
36. Chih-Cheng Lin, Shan-Yang Lin, and Lucy Sun Hwang, 1998. Evaluation of the Effect of Free Flowing Agent on the Bulk Characteristics of Squid Visceral Oil Microcapsules. Presented at the Seventh International Bioencapsulation Workshop and  the 1988 IMS mini-symposia. November 20-23, 1998. Easton, Maryland, U. S. A.

37. Lucy Sun Hwang, 1999. Odor-removing Ability of Selected Taiwanese Teas and Its Implication in Oral Health. Presented at the 77th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, March 10-13, 1999. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

38. Chung-Wen Chen and Lucy Sun Hwang, 1999. Rapid Analysis of Theaflavins by High      Performance Liquid Chromatography / Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization-Mass Spectrometry. Presented at the 23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, May 30-June 4, 1999. Granada, Spain.

39. Lucy Sun Hwang and Taur-Yuh Hung, 1999. Oral Malodor Removal Ability of Black Tea.  Presented at 4th International Conference on Breath Odor. Aug 20-21, 1999. Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

40. Lucy Sun Hwang and J. H. Liang, 1999. Fractionation of Urea-Pretreated Squid Visceral Oil by Molecular Distillation. Presented at the 23rd World Congress of the International Society for Fat Research, Oct.3~7, 1999. Brighton, England.

41. Lucy Sun Hwang and Ming-Shi Shiao, 1999. The Biological Activities of Teas. Presented at the 8th Asian Chemical Congress. Nov. 21~24, 1999. Taipei, Taiwan.
42. Pai-Wen Wu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 1999. Study on the Loss of Astringency in Persimmon: The changes of Persimmon Tannin Monitored by SEC. Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of Chinese Food Science and Technology Society. Dec.3, 1999. Taichung
43. Ming-Shi Shiao, Huei-Chiuan Liuchang, Taur-Yuh Hung and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2000. Blood-lipid Depressing Effect and Halitosis-deodorizing of Tea. Presented at the First Tea Science Symposium Across the Taiwan Straits. April. 26-29, 2000, Fuzhou, China.
44. Lucy Sun Hwang and Liang Yi Wu, 2000. Effect of Green Tea on Glucose Tolerance and Insulin Sensitivity of Sprague-Dawley Rats. Presented at the Third Asian Conference on Food Safety and Nutrition. Oct.3-6, 2000. Beijing, China.
45. Lucy Sun Hwang and Chang-Shu Liu, 2000. Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Tuna Oribital Oil. Presented at the 4th International Conference of Food Science and Technology. Oct.17-20, 2000. Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.
46. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2001. Current Status and Future Trends of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Taiwan. Presented at the 2nd Annual Asian Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Conference. Feb. 26-27, 2001. Singapore.
47. Yung Shin Shyu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2001. Antioxidative Activity of the Crude Extract of Lignan Glycosides from Sesame Meal. Presented at the 92nd  AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo. May 13-16, 2001. Minneapolis, MN, U. S. A.
48. Liang-Yi Wu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2001. Green Tea May Improve Insulin Resistance in a Fructose-Fed Rat Model. Presented at the 2001 International Conference on O-CHA(tea) Culture and Science. Oct.5-8, 2001, Shizuoka, Japan.
49. Shan-Shan Wu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2001. The Sources of Malodor Removal Activity in Various Teas. Presented at the 2001 International Conference on O-CHA(tea) Culture and Science. Oct. 5-8, 2001, Shizuoka, Japan.
50. Shan-Shan Wu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2001. The Sources of Malodor Removal Activity in Various Teas. Presented at the Second Tea Science Symposium Across the Taiwan Straits. Nov. 19, 2001, Taichung, Taiwan.
51. Liang-Yi, Low-Tone Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2001. Green Tea May Improve Insulin Resistance in a Fructose-Fed Rat Model. Presented at the Second Tea Science Symposium Across the Taiwan Straits. Nov. 19, 2001, Taichung, Taiwan.
52. Lucy Sun Hwang, Lan-Chi Lin, Huei-Chiuan Liuchang, and Ming-Shi Shiao, 2002. Anti-atherogenic Effect of Pu-Erh Tea. Presented at the 223rd ACS (American Chemical Society ) National Meeting. April 7-11, 2002. Orlando, Florida, USA.
53. Lucy Sun Hwang, Lan-Chi Lin, Huei-Chiuan Liuchang, and Ming-Shi Shiao, 2002. The Biological Effects of Pu-Erh Tea. Presented at the 2002 China Pu-Er Tea International Seminar. June 3-6, 2002. Yunnan, China.
54. Lucy Sun Hwang and Chen-Shu Liu, 2002. Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Tuna Orbital Oil. Presented at the World Conference and Exhibition on Oilseed and Edible, Industrial, and Specialty Oils. Aug. 12-15, 2002. Istanbul, Turkey.
55. Deng-Jye Yang, Ting-Jang Lu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2003. Simultaneous Determination of Furostanol and Spirostanol Glycosides in Taiwanese Yam (Dioscorea spp.) Cultivars by High-performance Liquid Chromatography. Presented at 27th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separation and Related Techniques. June 15-19, 2003. Nice, France.
56. Deng-Jye Yang, Ting-Jang Lu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2003. Isolation and Identification of the Preparative Separation of Steroidal Saponins in Taiwanese Yam Cultivar (Dioscorea pseudojaponica Yamamoto.). Presented at 27th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separation and Related Techniques. June 15-19, 2003. Nice, France.
57. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Deng-Jye Yang and Ting-Jang Lu 2003.Comparison of the Sample Preparation Methods for the HPLC Analysis of Diosgenin in Taiwanese Yams (Dioscorea spp.). Presented at 27th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separation and Related Techniques. June 15-19, 2003. Nice, France.
58. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Liang-Yi Wu, Chi-Chang Juan and Low-Ton Ho, 2003.Amelioration of Insulin Resistance and Glucose Transporter IV Content in A Fructose-Fed Rat Model with Green Tea Supplementation. Presented at the 12th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. July 16-20, 2003. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
59. Zheng-Yuan Su, Lucy Sun Hwang, 2003. The in Vitro Antioxidative activities of five black-colored foods and their combinations. Presented at the 41th Congress of Agricultural Chemical Society of Taiwan. Aug. 24, 2003. Taipei, Taiwan.
60. Lucy Sun Hwang* and Chiu-o Chen,2003. Investigation of Mycotoxins in Pu-Erh Tea. Presented at the Third Tea Science Symposium Across the Taiwan Straits. Sept. 2~6, 2003. Hunan, China.
61. Liang-Yi Wu, Yung-Liang Chien, Zheng-Yuan Su, Cheng-Chang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2003. Effects of Commercial Green Tea Drink on Plasma Lipids and Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation in Hamster. Presented at the Satellite Symposium of Presented at the Satellite Symposium of International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS) 2003. Sept. 24-26, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan.
62. Liang-Yi Wu, Chi-Chang Juan, Low-Tone Ho, and Lucy Sun Hwang*. 2003. Green Tea Supplementation Ameliorates Hypertension and Insulin Resistance in A Fructose-Fed Rat Model. Presented at the Satellite Symposium of Presented at the Satellite Symposium of International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS) 2003. Sept. 24-26, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan.
63. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Zheng-Yuan Su and Shin-Fen Wang, 2003. The Antioxidative Activities of Five Black-colored Foods and Their Combinations. Presented at the Fifth International Conference of Food Science and Technology (ICFST 2003). Oct. 21-24, 2003, Wuxi, China.
64. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Liang-Yi Wu, Chi-Chang Juan and Low-Tone Ho, 2003. Hypoglycemic Effect of Green Tea.Presented at the 
12th International Congress of Oriental Medicine. Nov. 7-9, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan.
65. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Liang-Yi Wu, Chi-Chang Juan and Low-Tone Ho, 2003. Effect of Green Tea on Insulin Sensitivity. Presented at the International Forum for Worldwide Chinese Food Scientists. Dec. 26-28, 2003, GuangZhou, China.
66. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Deng-Jye Yang, Chung-Rou Lu and Ting-Jang Lu, 2004. Biological Activities and Components of Yam (Dioscorea spp.). Presented at the 227th ACS National Meeting. March 28 -April 1, Anaheim, CA, USA.
67. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Liang-Yi Wu, Chi-Chang Juan, Low-Tone Ho and Yung-Pei Hsu, 2004. Green Tea May Improve Metabolic Defects and Insulin Sensitivity in A Fructose-Fed Rat Model. Presented at the 2004 International Symposium on Functional for Health in Taiwan. May 25-27. Taipei, Taiwan.
68. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Deng-Jye Yang and Ting-Jang Lu, 2004. Analysis of Steroidal Saponins and Sapogenins in Taiwanese Yam Cultivars and the Effect of Food Processing on Saponins. Presented at the 2004 International Symposium on Functional for Health in Taiwan. May 25-27. Taipei, Taiwan.
69. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Kuo-Ching Jan and Yi-Ying Chen, 2004. Antioxidative Activities and Compositions of Essential Oils from the Leaves of Taiwanese Cinnamon Cultivar Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kaneh. with Different Extraction Methods. Presented at the 2004 International Symposium on Functional for Health in Taiwan. May 25-27. Taipei, Taiwan.
70. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Shou-Fen Kang, Chi-Chang Juan, Yung-Pei Hsu and Low-Tone Ho, 2004. Effects of Crude Lignan Glycoside Extract from Sesame Meal on Insulin Resistance in Fructose-Fed Rats. Presented at the 2004 International Symposium on Functional for Health in Taiwan. May 25-27. Taipei, Taiwan.
71. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Chung-Rou Lu and Ting-Jang Lu, 2004. Effects of Yam ( Dioscorea pseudojaponica ) Fractions on Plasma Glucose and Lipids in Rats. Presented at the 2004 International Symposium on Functional for Health in Taiwan. May 25-27. Taipei, Taiwan.
72. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Zheng-Yuan Su and Lee-Yan Sheen, 2004. Studies on the Anti-hepatoma Activity of Ganoderma lucidum and Agaricus blazei Cultivate in the Medium Containing Black Bean and/or Astragalus membranaceus. Presented at the 2004 International Symposium on Functional for Health in Taiwan. May 25-27. Taipei, Taiwan.
73. Liang-Yi Wu, Chi-Chang Juan, Low-Tone Ho, Yung-Pei Hsu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2004. Green Tea May Improve Metabolic Defects and Insulin Sensitivity in A Fructose-Fed Rat Model. Presented at the 2004 International Conference on O-CHA (tea) Culture and Science. Nov. 4-6. Shizuoka, Japan.

74. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2004. Hot Topics of the Food Science and Technology Development in Taiwan. Presented at the Food Summit in China 2004. Nov. 8-9. Beijing, China.

75. Zheng-Yuan Su, Lucy Sun Hwang and Lee-Yan Sheen. 2005. Differential inhibition effects of fermentation products from Ganoderma lucidum or Agaricus blazei on hepatoma cells and normal hepatocytes. Presented at the 230th ACS National Meeting. Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2005. Washington, DC, USA.
76. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2005. Effect of Roasting Condition on the Lignan Contents and Antioxidative Activities of Sesame Oil. Presented at the 26th World Congress and Exhibition of the International Society for Fat Research. Sept. 25-28. Prague, Czech Republic.

77. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2005. Safety, Biological activity and Active Components of Pu-Erh tea. Presented at the International Symposium on Innovation in Tea Science and Sustainable Development in Tea Industry. Nov. 11-14. China.
78. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2006. Antioxidative Activity of Sesame Lignan Compounds. Presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of KoSFoST. Jun. 14-16. Jeju, Korea.
79. Yung-Liang Chien, Ya-Lan Yang, Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2006. The Antioxidative and Anti-Atherogenic Effects of the Fermentation Broth of Lingzhi (G. Lucidum) Cultivated in the Medium Containing Leguminous Plants. Presented at the XIV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis. June 18-22, 2006. Rome, Italy.
80. Lucy Sun Hwang*, Cheng-Chang Ho, 2006. Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicines on Aggregated Aβ-treated Neuronal Cells. Presented at the 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. Sept. 17-21, 2006. Nantes, France.
81. Zheng-Yuan Su, Lucy Sun Hwang, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, Chin-Hang Shu and Lee-Yan Sheen. 2006. Isolation and identification of active components with anti-hepatoma activity in the ethanolic extract of fermentation product of Agaricus blazei. Presented at the 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. Sept. 17-21, 2006. Nantes, France.
82. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2006. Research and Development of Functional Food in Taiwan. Food Summit in China 2006. Nov. 5-8, 2006. Xiamen, China.
83. Lucy Sun Hwang, Chi-Hua Lu, 2006. Investigation of Pu-Erh Tea Active Principles to Inhibit the Cholesterol Biosynthesis in Hep G2 Cell Line. Presented at the 2006 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Tea and Health. Nov. 20, 2006. Taipei, Taiwan.
84. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. Recent Research and Development of Functional Food In Taiwan. Presented at the Frontier of Functional Food Research. Feb. 23, 2007. Tokushima, Japan.
85. Yung-Liang Chien, Been-Huang Chiang and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. Soybean-containing medium can produce Lingzhi (a medicinal fungus) with antioxidative and anti-atherogenic activities. Presented at the 7th International Soy Symposium. March 7-9, 2007. Bangkok, Thailand.
86. Yuh-Ting Huang, Liang Yi Wu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. Effects of Agaricus blazei and its liquid fermentation product on plasma glucose of rats with metabolic syndrome.  Presented at the 10th Asian Congress of Nutrition. Sept. 9-13, 2007. Taipei, Taiwan.
87. Zheng-Yuan Su, Lucy Sun Hwang, Yueh-Hsiung Kuo, Chin-Hang Shu and Lee-Yan Sheen, 2007. Active components of Agaricus blazei fermentation products and their antihepatoma effects. Presented at the 10th Asian Congress of Nutrition. Sep. 9-13, 2007. Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral)
88. Chia-Ding Liao, Wei-Lun Hong and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. Bioavailability and stability of nanosized lignan glycosides from sesame meal. Presented at the 7th International Conference of Food Science and Technology. Nov. 12-15, 2007. Wuxi, China.
89. Ting-jang Lu*, Yi-Wei Chang, Yi-Ju Lin, Shing-Jy Tsao and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. (1, 3)-β-D-glucan detection and its content changes in Ling-Zhi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) at different growth stages. Presented at the 7th International Conference of Food Science and Technology. Nov. 12-15, 2007. Wuxi, China.
90. Kuo-Ching Jan, Hsin-Ling Hsieh, Tung-Hu Tsai and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. Bioavailability of Sesamol in Rat. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health. Nov. 25-28, 2007. Kyoto, Japan.
91. Kuo-Ching Jan and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. Bioavailability of Sesaminol triglucoside from Sesame in Rat. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Food Factors for Health Promotion. Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2007. Kyoto, Japan.
92. Chian-Ru Shyr and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. Studies on the metabolism of sesaminol triglucoside extract and its impact on antioxidant status in rats. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Food Factors for Health Promotion. Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2007. Kyoto, Japan.
93. Hui-Yun Tsai, Liang-Yi Wu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2007. Effect of longan flower water extract on metabolic syndrome in fructose-fed rats. Presented at the 
4th International Conference on Food Factors for Health Promotion. Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2007. Kyoto, Japan.
94. I-Min Huang, Chi-Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2008. Trapping Reactions of Reactive Carbonyl Species with 2,4,6-Trihydroxybenzoic Acid in Simulated Physiologica Conditions. Presented at the第三屆『兩岸三地食品暨生物科技研討會』May 15, 2008. Hong Kong, China.
95. Meng-Chieh Hsieh, Yi-Jane Shen and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2008. Antioxidative Compounds in Longan Flower. Presented at the 2008 IFT Annual Meeting. June 28-July 1, 2008. New Orleans, USA.
96. Kuo-Ching Jan and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2008. Characterization of Sesamol Metabolites in Rat Using Liquid/Gas Chromatograph Coupled with Mass Spectrometer. Presented at the 2008 AOAC ENTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting
. Sept. 21-24, 2008. Dallas, USA.
97. Cheng Chang Ho, A. Kumaran and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2008. Bio-assay Guided Isolation and Identification of Anti-Alzheimer Active Compounds from the Root of Angelica sinensis. Presented at the 14th World Congress of Food Science and Technology.
 Oct. 19-23, 2008. Shanghai, China.
98.   Lucy Sun Hwang, 2008. Recent Advances in Functional Food Research in Taiwan.Presented at the 2008 Annual Conference of International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Nov. 14-17, 2008. Taichung, Taiwan.
99.   Chia-Ding Liao, Wei-Lun Hung, Chi-Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2009. Sub-microsized Lignan Glycoside from Sesame Meal Exhibits Higher Transport and Absorption Efficiency in Caco-2 Cell Monolayer. Presented at the 2009 IFT Annual Meeting. June 6-10, 2009. Anaheim, USA.
100. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2009
. Research and Development of Functional Foods in Taiwan. Presented at the IUFoST Fi Asia/China Conference. June 23-24, 2009. Shanghai, China.
101. Lucy Sun Hwang and Cheng Chang Ho, 2009. Anti-aging and Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease Effects of Selected Plant Extracts. Presented at the Global Chinese Health (Functional) Food Symposium. Aug. 12-14, 2009. Hong Kong, China.
102. Cheng Chang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2009. Investigation on the potential anti-aging edible plant materials using Caenorhabditis elegans model system. Presented at the
 2009 AOAC International Annual Meeting. Sept. 13-16, 2009. Philly, USA.
103. Cheng Chang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2009. Anti-aging and Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease Effects of Selected Plant Extracts. Presented at the 2009 ISNFF Conference and Exhibition. Nov. 1-4, 2009. San Francisco, USA.
104. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2009. Research and Development of Functional Foods in Taiwan. Presented at the Japanese Society for Food Factors. Nov. 15-17, 2009. Kobe, Japan.
105. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2010. Research and Development of Functional Foods in Taiwan. Presented at the International Symposium on Food Function, Safety and Health. March 24, 2010. Kagoshima University, Japan.
106. Wen-Chien Lu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2010. Absorption and Excretion of Proanthocyanidin A2 from Longan Flowers in Rats. Presented at the 2010 IFT Annual Meeting. July 17-21, 2010. Chicago, USA.
107. Wei-Lun Hung, Chi-Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2010. Inhibitory Activity of Natural Occurring Antioxidants on Thiyl Radical-induced Trans-Arachidonic Acid Formation. Presented at the 2010 IFT Annual Meeting. July 17-21
, 2010. Chicago, USA.
108. Tzu-Hung Chen, An-I Yeh and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2010. Preparation and Properties of Nano/submicro-sized Green Tea Suspension. Presented at the 15th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. Aug. 22-26, 2010. Cape Town, South Africa.
109. Yung Liang Chien and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2010. Effect of leguminous plants in the liquid fermentation medium on the antioxidative activities of Ganoderma lucidum fermentation broth. Presented at the 2010 AOAC International Annual Meeting. Sept. 26-29, 2010. Orlando, USA.
110. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2010. Beneficial Effects of Green Tea on Body Weight and Brain Health. Presented at The 4th International Conference on O-CHA (Tea) Culture and Science. Oct. 26-28, 2010. Shizuoka, Japan.
111. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2010. Research and Development of Functional Foods in Taiwan. Presented at The 12th Annual Meeting of China Association for Science and Technology. Nov. 1-3, 2010. Fujian, China.
112. Lucy Sun Hwang and Cheng Chang Ho, 2010. Anti-aging and Anti-Alzheimer Disease Effects of Selected Plant Extracts. Presented at the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. Dec. 15-19, 2010. Hawaii, USA.
113. Wei-Lun Hung, Lucy Sun Hwang and Chi-Tang Ho, 2010. Inhibitory Activity of Natural Occurring Antioxidants on Thiyl Radical-induced Trans-Arachidonic Acid Formation. Presented at the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. Dec. 15-19, 2010. Hawaii, USA.
114. Lucy Sun Hwang and Cheng Chang Ho, 2011. The Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease Effects of Selected Plant Materials. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity,and Cancer (NAPA 2011). Feb. 16-9, 2011 
Gyeong-ju, Korea.
115. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2011. Promotion of Community Nutrition: A Successful Example of Metabolic Syndrome Prevention in Taiwan by Taiwan Millennium Health Foundation. Presented at the XI Asian Congress of Nutrition 2011. July 13-16, 2011. Suntec, Singapore.

116. Wen-Chien Lu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2011. Proanthocyanidin A2 from Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) Flowers Can Be Metabolized by Rats’ Cecum Microbiota. Presented at the 2011 AOAC International Annual Meeting. Sep 18-21, 2011. Louisiana, USA.
117. Wei-Lun Hung, Chi-Tang Ho and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2011. Inhibitory Activity of Natural Occurring Antioxidants on Thiyl Radical-induced Trans Fatty Acid Formation in PC-12 Cells. Presented at the 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Nov 20-23, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan.
118. Wen-Chien Lu and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2011. Proanthocyanidn A2 is Metabolized by Rat Intestinal Microbiota with 3-Hydroxyphenylpropionic Acid as The Major Metabolite. Presented at the 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Nov 20-23, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan.

119. Wen-Chien Lu, Lucy Sun Hwang and Guo-Jien Wei, 2011. Identification of 5, 7, 3’, 4’-Tetramethoxyflavone Metabolites in Rat Urine by High Performacne Liquid Chromatography-electrospray Ionization-mass Spectrometry. Presented at the 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Presented at the 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Nov 20-23, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan.
120. Chia-Hui Chen and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2011. Effect of Ginsenoside Catabolites on Glucose Uptake in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes. Presented at the 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Nov 20-23, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan.
121. Po-En Chiu, Wei-Lun Hung, Keng-Chen Liang, Ming-Fu Wang, Lucy Sun Hwang, 2011. Potentials to Ameliorate Learning / Memory Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathophysiology of Sesamol and Z-Ligustilide in Senescence-accelerated Mouse Prone-8 (SAMP8) Mice. Presented at the 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Nov 20-23, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan.
122. Yung-Liang Chien and Lucy Sun Hwang, 2011. Effects of Feed and Fat Varieties on Blood Lipids of Hamsters Fed by High Fat Diet. Presented at the 2011 International Conference on Food Factors. Nov 20-23, 2011. Taipei, Taiwan.
123. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2012
 Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Reduction with Food Bioactive Components. Presented at the ISNFF Short Course Series. May 28-29, 2012. Peloponnese, Greece.
124. Wen-Chien Lu and Lucy Sun Hwang*, 2012. Biotransformation of proanthocyanidin A2 to small phenolic acid compounds by rat intestinal microbiota. Presented at the International Flavor Conference XIII and 5th George Charalambous Memorial Symposium. May 28- June 1, 2012. Peloponnese, Greece.
125. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2012.
 Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Reduction with Food Bioactive Components. Presented at the 16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology of IUFoST. Aug 5-9, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.
126. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2012. Protective effects of food bioactive components against Alzheimer’s disease. Presented at the The 1st International Conference on Pharma-Food and The 17th Shizuoka Forum on Health and Longevity. Nov. 15-16, Shizuoka, Japan.
127. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2012. Bioavailabilities and Tissue Distributions of Sesamol and Tangeretin. Presented at the International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF). Dec. 1-6, Kona, Hawaii.
128. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2013. The Antioxidative Component of Longan Flower and Its Bioavailability. Presented at Global Chinese Health (Functional) Food Symposium 2013. Aug. 26-28, Beijing, China.
129. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2013. Potential of plant bioactives for the management of Alzheimer's disease. Presented at 2013 ISNFF Conference and Exhibition. Nov. 5-9, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
130. Lucy Sun Hwang
 2014. Plant bioactive components with anti-Alzheimer’s disease potential. Presented at 9th Nutra India Summit. Mar. 12-14, Bangalore, India.
131. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2014. Anti-Alzheimer's disease potentials of plant bioactive components. Presented at IUFoST 17th World Congress of Food Science and Technology.  Aug. 17-21, Montreal, Canada.
132. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2015. Food Safety and Sanitation Regulations in Taiwan. Presented at 12th Asian Congress of Nutrition. May 14-18, Yokohama, Japan.
133. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2015. New Food Safety and Sanitation Regulations  in Taiwan. Presented at 5th Food Safety Advisory Board Conference. May 19, Taipei, Taiwan.
134. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2015. Bioavailability of Some Bioactive Food Components. Presented at 2015 International Conference on Advanced Translational Research in Food Sciences, Environmental Toxicology and Cancer Biology. Aug. 2, Taipei, Taiwan.

135. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2015. Trans Fatty Acid- Culprits of Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Prevention. Presented at 2015 ISNFF. Sep. 20-23, Wuxi, China.

136. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2015. The antioxidative components of longan flower,the bioavailability and the effect on metabolic syndrome. Presented at ICoFF 2015. Nov. 22-25, Seoul, korea.

137.  Lucy Sun Hwang and Shih-Ying Pan, 2016. The Hypoglycemic Effect and Active Components of Chenopodium formosanum Koidz. Presented at 18th IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology. Aug. 21-25, Dublin, Ireland.

138.Lucy Sun Hwang, Bo-Yang Hsu, Chia-Hui Chen and Ting-Jang Lu, 2017. Bioconversion of Ginsenosides in the American Ginseng Extraction Residue by Fermentation with Lingzhi. Presented at the Third International Meeting of Food Science and Human Wellness. Aug. 16-17, Changchun, Jilin, China.

1. Lucy Sun Hwang, 1982. Food Safety Problem in the R. O. C. R. N. Pierson, Jr., S. Blumenthal and J. R. Watt. (Ed.) " The Future of Health Services in Taiwan, R. O. C. " P.85 - 99. The American Bureau for Medical Advancement in China, Inc.
2. Lucy Sun Hwang and Yu Ching Cheng, 1986. Pink Discoloration in Canned Lychees. O. R. Fennema, W. H. Chang and C. Y. Lii. (Ed.) "Role of Chemistry in the Quality of Processed Food". P.96 - 107. Food & Nutrition Press, Inc., Conn., USA.
3. Lucy Sun Hwang, 1993. Trends in the Research and Development of Chinese Foods. Quest International, Report No. 26.
4. Lucy Sun Hwang, 1997. Anthocyanins from Perilla. H. C. Yu, K. Kosuna and M. Haga.(Ed.) "Perilla, The Genus Perilla", P.171-187. Harwood Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
5. Lucy Sun Hwang and Yan-Hwa Chu, 2002. Food Lipids. Z. E. Sikorski in " Chemical and Funtional Properties of Food Components".(Ed.) P.115-132. CRC Press, Inc., Florida, USA.
6. Lucy Sun Hwang, 2005. Sesame Oil. in Fereidoon Shahidi (Ed.) "Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Sixth
      Edition", Volume 2, Chapter 12, pp. 537-576. John Wiley& Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
  食藥材之抗老化與抗阿滋海默症研究、茶葉除口臭、降血脂、降血糖; 芝麻粕抗氧化與降血糖。

  芝麻之lignan與lignan glycosides、龍眼花之proanthocyanidins。

  茶葉之兒茶素、芝麻之 lignans 與 lignan glycosides; 山藥皂素、靈芝多醣。
姓 名 論 文 題 目 現 職
李益榮 莧菜紅色素之萃取及膜濃縮之研究 國立嘉義大學 食品科學系教授
翁瑞光 米油之氫化及部分氫化米油以丙酮區分法製備可可脂代用脂之研究 國立宜蘭大學 教務長榮退
陳昭雄 魷魚內臟油氧化反應之探討 弘光科技大學 副校長(榮退)
梁哲豪 以分子蒸餾法和超臨界二氧化碳萃取法分離濃縮魷魚內臟油中 n-3型高度不飽和脂肪酸乙酯 長榮大學 安全衛生科學 學院教授
林志城 魷魚內臟油氧化安定性之研究 元培科技大學 校長
王進崑 檳榔嚼塊中興奮性成分之研究及替代品的研製 中山醫學大學 教授
陳重文 以超臨界二氧化碳萃取法降低豬油中之膽固醇 大仁科技大學 餐旅管理系副教授
高雅敏 模式系統中膽固醇與膽固醇酯氧化之研究 食品藥物管理局 研究檢驗組簡任技正
呂瑞梅 pH及脂質對膽固醇氧化之研究 信力生技股份有限公司
徐錫樑 真空油炸紅蘿蔔脆片之品質與其炸油氧化安定性之研究 嘉義大學 食品科學系教授
洪陶玉 紅茶除口臭成分之研究 國科會 生物處技正(退休)
徐永鑫 芝麻粕中 lignans及lignan glycosides之抗氧化性探討 高雄餐旅大學 烘焙管理系副教授兼任學務長
吳白玟 柿餅澀味之研究 食品藥物管理署 食品化學科副研究員
張永鍾 豬血漿凝膠性質之研究 宜蘭大學 食品科學系副教授
楊登傑 台灣產山藥的類固醇皂素及皂配基分析與加工處理對皂素之影響 國立陽明大學 食品安全及健康風險評估研究所特聘教授兼所長
吳亮宜 茶對血糖及胰島素敏感性之影響 中原大學 生物科技系 助理教授
張毅偉 靈芝中具β-(1→6)分支之(1→3)-β-D-聚葡萄糖的性質與檢測 康誠生技股份有限公司 總經理
何承璋 以Aβ聚集導致 PC-12 細胞氧化損傷之抑制與腺蟲壽命延長為模式開發抗氧化食品 大普美公司
詹國靖 以大鼠模式討論芝麻 Ligan 化合物的生物可利用性 佳格投資(中國)有限公司 處長
蘇正元 「靈芝-豆科」和「巴西洋菇-豆科」發酵產物之肝臟保健功效評估及其作用機轉之探討 中原大學 生物科技系 助理教授
廖家鼎 奈米/次微米化芝麻粕 Iignan glycosides 之生物可利用率與代謝研究 食品藥物管理署 食品組科長
簡永亮 「靈芝-豆科」發酵產物之抗氧化活性及其對倉鼠脂質之影響 喬本生醫股份公司 研發一部經理
呂玟蒨 以大鼠模式探討龍眼花 proanthocyanidin A2 的生物可利用性  
洪偉倫 反式脂肪酸與阿茲海默症之相關性及其預防 台北醫學大學 助理教授
洪蘭欣 舒緩類風濕性關節炎的保健食品功效評估 台大醫學院醫學系

姓 名 論 文 題 目 現 職
顏國欽 一 .梅納褐變反應對數種蛋白質品質影響之研究 中興大學 食品暨應用生物科技學系講座教授
二 .苦瓜子中番茄紅素之研究
黃卓治 一 .梅胚在太陽能乾燥過程中色素變化之研究 屏東科技大學 食品科學系講座教授
二 .胰蛋白?褐變反應之研究
伍楚福 紫蘇花青素之研究 百陶集團 董事首席運營官
顏裕鴻 油炸油品質測定法及其摻入食用油中之檢驗 大葉大學生物產業科技學系   副教授
鄭玉磬 罐頭荔枝紅變成因及其防止方法之探討 農委會 食品加工科技正
劉兆宏 台灣產植物性天然色素之開發研究 財團法人台灣優良農產品發展協會 顧問
一 .紫蘇之採收後處理
二 .莧菜紅色素粉末之製造
沈漢光 莧菜採收後處理方式及其紅色素抽出液之超濾與逆滲透濃縮研究 康師傅控股有限公司中央研究所顧問
邱一鳴 米糠油油炸穩定性之研究 宜蘭大學 食品科學系副教授
張基煌 莧菜紅色素之純化與穩定性試驗 弘光科技大學 生物科技系   副教授
鍾美玉 紫蘇色素之萃取及利用超濾與逆滲透濃縮 味全食品公司 中央研究所所長
翁瑞光 米糠油物理精製法可行性之探討 宜蘭大學 食品科學系教授
王孟雲 楊桃汁加工過程中之化學變化  
王璧娟 中式青菜製罐與貯藏時葉綠素之變化 嘉義大學 食品科學系教授
蔡雄恩 模擬油炸實驗中油脂揮發性物質之研究 經濟部 工業局知識服務組
唐嘉禧 紫蘇花青素的萃取、濃縮及其穩定性試驗 美國Colgate-Palmolive Co. Retired 2010
吳白玟 草蝦頭中紅色素成分之研究 食品藥物管理署 食品化學科副研究員
康素蓉 魷魚內臟油於不同條件下之氧化作用 台南市國立台南高工
張永鍾 竹筍中紫杉氰糖甘之分析與其隨加工之變化 宜蘭大學 食品科學系副教授
劉淑櫻 氰糖甘在梅實中的分布及其在模擬人體消化道環境中水解情形之研究 經濟部(技術處)科技管理科
陳中文 豬油香氣物質之探討  
萬荷青 魷魚內臟油膠囊製品之安定性研究 冠群國際專利商標聯合事務所
莊志仁 以超臨界二氧化碳萃取豬油中之膽固醇 Danisco公司(大陸)
邱慧芳 樹薯及皇帝豆中亞麻氰糖甘之探討 台中醫院中醫科
江立青 豬膽汁膽紅素之分析 佳格食品公司
陳坤松 烏魚子在加工與貯藏過程中膽固醇氧化產物之變化及四種市售乾製海產品中膽固醇及其氧化產物之含量之調查 味丹食品公司
黃丞宏 各種茶葉及茶渣除口臭效果之研究 桃園平南國中
袁毓坤 焙炒芝麻熱反應香料之研究 昆陽農產科技董事長特助
林志傑 紅茶除口臭物質之萃取與區分 愛爾康大藥廠
林惠美 脫水番石柳果實切片之水抽出物改善大白鼠耐糖效果與其機制之研究 Research Assistant Professor Purdue University, USA
蔡瑜瑩 乾製海產品在加工、儲藏及烹調過程中膽固醇氧化產物之變化 歿
黃麗銘 不同發酵程度茶葉對大白鼠血液及肝臟脂質的影響 國家衛生研究院分基組
林素芬 魷魚乾製品在加工、儲藏及烹調過程中膽固醇氧化產物之變化 香港醫院
鍾耀年 應用超臨界二氧化碳脫脂原料於紹興酒釀製之探討  
劉張惠泉 普洱沱茶抑制低密度脂蛋白氧化之研究 台中慈濟醫院
林蘭砡 普洱茶降血脂之作用 食品藥物管理署 食品組技正
陳念祖 普洱沱茶抗氧化與抗動脈硬化之作用 藥華醫藥股份有限公司   組長
王仲志 山渣丙酮萃出物中膽固醇只轉移蛋白抑制劑之研究 英國標準協會 (BSI) 客戶經理 
蕭進治 荖葉除口臭之研究 景凱生物科技股份有限公司 企業發展及法務智財處 經理
劉昌樹 鮪魚眼窩油脂臨界二氧化碳萃取及其氧化安定性之探討 佳格投資 (中國) 有限公司 研發中心總監
蔡雅紋 文山包種茶製造過程中主要化學成分之變化 台南海事 職教老師
吳珊珊 茶多酚之萃取及其除口臭效果之研究 德國漢堡大學
洪淑敏 靈芝促進人類肝癌細胞凋亡之研究 員林農工食品加工科
楊志頌 以超臨界二氧化碳精製鯖魚蒸煮油 中華奧林匹克委員會 國際組
詹國靖 以不同溶劑萃取芝麻粕其萃出物抗氧化性之探討 永揚生醫科技股份有限公司 處長
康碩芬 芝麻粕 lignan glycosides 粗萃物對高果糖餵飼大白鼠胰島素阻抗的影響。 台灣永生細胞股份有限公司 品管稽核經理
張世龍 不同發酵程度茶湯在人體口腔中脫除口臭能力之研究 東生華製藥股份有限公司
周欣漪 靈芝子實體與液態發酵生成之 (1→3)-β-D-葡聚醣的差異性 中華民國產業科技發展協進會 研究員
蘇正元 五種黑色食品與其複方組合於體外試驗之抗氧化能力 中原大學 生物科技系助理教授
盧崇如 基隆山藥區分物對大白鼠血糖與血脂之影響 瑞強實業股份有限公司 經理
陳秋娥 普洱茶中黴菌毒素之研究 行政院勞工委員會 勞工安全衛生處第三科
王心芬 五種黑色食品與其複方組合對血脂及LDL氧化之影響 監察院調查處 調查專員
陳怡穎 台灣土肉桂葉精油之組成份抗氧化性 美國留學
呂季樺 普洱茶抑制Hep-G2細胞株合成膽固醇之有效成分探討 University of Missouri Postdoc
鍾淳雁 以TGF-B1處理之Hep-G6模式探討「靈芝-豆科」發酵液之抑制肝臟纖維化效果 Covance 科文斯研究專員
楊雅嵐 黑豆、黃耆、巴西洋菇子實體及以豆科植物為發酵基質之巴西洋菇發酵產物對倉鼠血脂之影響 台灣國際生命科學會 專案經理
沈宜蓁 龍眼花萃取物抗氧化性之探討 疾病管制局研究檢驗中心 助理研究員
謝欣玲 芝麻酚在大白鼠之口服生物可利用率 臺北市立聯合醫院 管理師
林佳鍇 以Aβ25-35引發PC-12細胞死亡為模式開發抗阿滋海默症食藥材 龍源香料股份有限公司 研究員
謝孟潔 龍眼花抗氧化成分之研究 美商3M股份有限公司 消費及辦公用品事業群
黃郁婷 巴西洋菇子實體及其液態發酵產物對大鼠血糖之影響 麥德凱生科 法規研發室主任
何雅嵐 蓮子心與芝麻粕之抗氧化活性及其延長線蟲壽命功效之研究 衛生福利部 食品藥物管理署 專員
石倩如 芝麻中sesaminol triglucoside萃出物在大鼠吸收代謝及抗氧化活性之探討 生技公司生化單位研究員
蔡蕙芸 龍眼花水萃物對高果糖誘發代謝症候群大鼠之影響  輔英科技大學 保健營養系
劉韋廷   美國加州大學 聖地牙哥分校
王子翊 芝麻粕sesaminol triglucoside於豬腸道菌之生物轉換研究 統一超商 MD
何怡萱 蓮子心、巴西洋菇、(-)-epicatechin及proanthocyanidin A2之延緩線蟲老化功效 食品藥物管理署 
黃蔚婷 以體外Caco-2細胞模式系統探討龍眼花中Proanthocyanidin A2及Epicatechin之生物可利用率以及其抗發炎及抗氧化效果 國防醫學院 牙醫系助理研究
黃潔妤 龍眼花水萃物之乙酸乙酯區分層對高果糖 誘發大鼠代謝症候群之改善功效 輝瑞陞技股份有限公司 法規事務經理
陳姿虹 微奈米綠茶之理化特性與抗氧化活性研究 何德昌股份有限公司 品保襄理
邱泓智 巴西洋菇萃取物與數種純化合物在PC-12細胞模式中抗阿茲海默症之潛力 佳格公司 主任
江怡君 龍眼花Proanthocyanidin A2萃出物與純物質Proanthocyanidin A2在大鼠體內抗氧化活性之探討 食品藥物管理署 技士
藍文安 類澱粉蛋白-beta誘導阿茲海默症大鼠不同組織內生性反式脂肪酸之分析 北市南門國中 教師
侯怡卉 數種天然物對於beta amyloid 1-40引起PC12及分化後PC12細胞死亡的保護功效 台北喜來登飯店 副理
鄭凱元 以基因轉殖線蟲為模式探討具有抗阿滋海默症潛力之植物成份  
邱博恩 芝麻酚與?本內酯改善老化促進小鼠之學習記憶能力與阿滋海默症病理特徵之潛力 有華生技 
陳家慧 人參皂甘生物轉化物對脂肪細胞攝取葡萄糖之影響 食品藥物管理署 技士
蔡依潔 數種天然化合物對大腦初代皮質神經細胞的保護功效 國民健康局
吳孟穎 蓮子心延緩線蟲老化之有效成分探討 台灣微脂體公司
陳逸婷 探討當歸甲醇萃出物及其活性成分對大鼠腦皮質神經細胞之保護效果 南山人壽 業務主管
張瑋珊 以大鼠模式探討橘皮素的藥物動力學及組織分佈 宜果國際股份有限公司 研發助理
張耀云 以脂肪細胞探討羅漢果中具調節血糖之活性成分 Coco 都可公司
邱肇祥 探討數種天然化合物對大鼠腦皮質神經細胞之保護功效 雙凱食品配料 (昆山) 有限公司 助理調香師/部門代主管 
楊斯皓 以細胞模式與動物模式探討5,7,3’,4’-tetramethoxyflavone及其生理代謝物之抗發炎功效 麻薩諸塞州大學 食品科學系
潘思穎 以脂肪細胞探討台灣藜中具調節血糖之活性成分 雙凱食品配料 (昆山) 有限公司 研究員
蔡佳玲 以大鼠模式探討 5,7,3’,4’-tetramethoxyflavone 藥物動力學及組織分佈 南僑集團 食品安全辦公室專員

1975年 美國 Rutgers University 食品科學系博士

1972年 美國 University of Virginia 化學系碩士

1970年 台灣大學 化學系 學士

國立台灣大學食品科技研究所 名譽教授

行政院國家永續發展委員會 委員

行政院衛生福利部 中醫藥研究諮議委員會 委員

行政院衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 食品衛生安全與營養諮議委員會 委員

行政院環境保護署 環境品質諮詢委員會 委員

財團法人食品工業發展研究所 董事

財團法人中華穀類食品研究所 常務監察人

財團法人台灣優良農產品發展協會(CAS)  常務董事

財團法人董氏基金會 董事

財團法人千禧之愛健康基金會 榮譽顧問

財團法人純青嬰幼兒營養研究基金會 董事

財團法人蔣見美教授文教基金會 董事

財團法人台灣營養學會 董事

社團法人台灣國際生命科學會 理事

台灣保健食品學會 監事

J. of Food and Drug Analysis (SCI期刊)  榮譽總編輯


2007-2013  國立台灣大學 食品科技研究所 終身特聘教授

1982-2007  國立台灣大學食品科技研究所 教授

1998-1991  國立台灣大學食品科技研究所 所長

1986-2018   International Union of Food Science and Technology  國家代表

2013-2017  J.of Food and Drug Analysis (SCI期刊)  總編輯

2015-2017  行政院食品安全會報 委員 

2011-2017  行政院農業委員會    委員

2011-2014  行政院衛生福利部 顧問

1991-2016  行政院衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 食品衛生安全與營養諮議委員會 召集人

2003-2013  行政院衛生福利部食品藥物管理局 健康食品審議委員會 委員

2011-2013  經濟部技術處 顧問

2006-2012  行政院國家科學委員會 保健食品研究開發跨部會整合推動委員會 召集人

2002-2004  行政院國家科學委員會 生物處 食品與營養學門 召集人

2013-2016  社團法人台灣國際生命科學會 創會會長

至今  財團法人千禧之愛健康基金會 榮譽董事

2009-2015  財團法人千禧之愛健康基金會 董事長

2009-2018  中華民國血脂及動脈硬化學會 顧問

1994-2009  中華民國血脂及動脈硬化學會 理事

2008-2011  台灣公定分析化學家協會 理事長

1996-1997  台灣食品科學技術學會 理事長

1991-1993  台灣農業化學會 理事長


2018年 國際食品科技聯盟 (IUFoST) 第 19 屆世界大會 終身成就獎

2013年 國際保健食品與膳食補充品學會傑出貢獻獎

2013年 行政院衛生署102年二等衛生獎章

2012年 台灣食品科學技術學會“台灣食品工​業特殊貢獻獎”

2010年 台灣保健食品學會“保健食品發展特殊貢獻獎”

2009年 華美食品學會 (CAFS) “Professional Achievement Award”

2008年 國立台灣大學“第二屆優良導師”

2007年 國立台灣大學“終身特聘教授”

2006年 國立台灣大學94學年度“教學傑出獎"

2006年 國際食品科技聯盟 (IUFoST) “院士(Fellow)”

2004年 美國食品科技學會 (IFT, USA) “院士(Fellow)”

2000年 國立台灣大學 88學年度“教學傑出獎”

1999年 中華民國食品科技學會“張駟祥教授食品科技學術特殊貢獻獎”

1995年~1996年 行政院國家科學委員會傑出研究獎

1987~1994年,1997~2001年 行政院國家科學委員會優等研究獎 

1993年 教育部 81學年度“教學特優教師”

1991年 中國農業化學會“學術榮譽獎”

1986年 中華民國第十一屆十大傑出女青年
