2013 |
Po-Ting Li, Wan-Ling Hsiao, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2013. Effect of heat shock on the fatty acid and protein profiles of Cronobacter sakazakii BCRC 13988 as well as its growth and survival in the presence of various carbon, nitrogen sources and disinfectants. Food Microbiol. 36(2):142-148. (SCI) |
2013 |
Meng-Hsuan Lin, Tsung-Yu Tsai, Shu-Chen Hsieh, Roch-Chui Yu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2013. Susceptibility of Vibrio parahaemolyticus to disinfectants after prior exposure to sublethal stress. Food Microbiol. 34(1):202-206. (SCI) |
2013 |
Li-Ru Lai, Shu-Chen Hsieh, Hui-Yu Huang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2013. Effect of lactic fermentation on the total phenolic, saponin and phytic acid contents as well as anti-colon cancer cell proliferation activity of soymilk. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 115(5):552-556. (SCI) |
2013 |
Yu-Fei Chen, Ming-Lun Chiang, Cheng-Chun Chou and Yi-Chen Lo.* 2013. Enhancing the antitumor cell proliferation and Cu2+-chelating effects of black soybeans through fermentation with Aspergillus awamori. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 115(4):400-404. (SCI) |
2013 |
Yi-Ting Huang, Kuan-Chen Cheng, Roch-Chui Yu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2013. Effect of ethanol shock pretreatment on the tolerance of Cronobacter sakazakii BCRC 13988 exposed to subsequent lethal stresses. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 10(2):165-170. (SCI) |
2013 |
Shiu-Hui Fang, Ying-Jang Lai, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2013. The susceptibility of Streptococcus thermophilus 14085 to organic acid, simulated gastric juice, bile salt and disinfectant as influenced by cold shock treatment. Food Microbiol. 33(1):55-60. (SCI) |
2013 |
Hsiang-Lin Chien, Tsui-Chu Yang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2013. Effects of storage conditions on the stability of isoflavone isomers in lactic fermented soymilk powder. Food Bioprocess Technol. 6(4):1059-1066. (SCI) |
2012 |
Kuan-I Chen, Yi-Chen Lo, Nan-Wei Su, Cheng-Chun Chou, and Kuan-Chen Cheng.* 2012. Enrichment of two isoflavone aglycones in black soymilk by immobilized β-glucosidase on solid carriers. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60(51):12540-12546. (SCI) |
2012 |
Kuan-I Chen, Mei-Hui Erh, Nan-Wei Su,Wen-Hsiung Liu, Cheng-Chun Chou and Kuan-Chen Cheng.* 2012. Soyfoods and soybean products: from traditional use to modern applications. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 96(1):9-22. (SCI) |
2012 |
Ming-Lun Chiang, Cheng-Chun Chou., Hsi-Chia Chen, Yu-Ting Tseng, andMing-Ju Chen.* 2012. Adaptive acid tolerance response of Vibrio parahaemolyticus as affected by acid adaptation conditions, growth phase and bacterial strains. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 9(8): 734-740. (SCI) |
2012 |
Jing-Yi Chen, Ying-Jang Lai, Shiow-Ling Lee, and Cheng-Chun Chou.*2012. Antitumor cell proliferation and antigenotoxic effects of sufu and koji granule, the chinese traditional fermented product of soybeans. J. Food Drug Anal. 20(4):838-839. (SCI) |
2012 |
Meng-Hsuan Lin, Ming-Lun Chiang, Chorng-Liang Pan and Cheng-Chun Chou.*2012. Heat shock and cold shock treatments affect the survivals of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium exposed to disinfectants. J. Food Prot. 75(4): 695-700. (SCI) |
2012 |
Yin-Soon Moy, Ting-Jang Lu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2012. Volatile components of the enzyme-ripened sufu, a Chinese traditional fermented product of soy bean. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 113(2): 196-201. (SCI) |
2012 |
Shiu-Hui Fang, Shu-Hua Chiang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2012. Cold shock treatments affect the viability of Streptococcus thermophilus BCRC 14085 invarious adverse conditions. J. Food Drug Anal. 20(1): 117-124. (SCI) |
2012 |
Yin-Soon Moy, Ying-Jang Lai and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2012. Effects of ripening process on the mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of sufu, a Chinese traditional fermented product of soybean. Food Bioprocess Technol. 5(8): 2972-2977.(SCI) |
2011 |
Meng-Hsuan Lin, Shiow-Ling Lee and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2011. Acid adaptation affects the viability of Listeria monocytogenes BCRC 14846 and Salmonella Typhimurium BCRC 10747 exposed to disinfectants at 25 and 40 oC. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 8(10): 1077-1081.(SCI) |
2011 |
Yung-Hsin Huang, Ying-Jang Lai and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2011. Fermentation temperature affects the antioxidant activity of the enzyme-ripened sufu, an oriental traditional fermented product of soybean. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 112(1):49-53.(SCI) |
2011 |
Yu-Fei Chen, Shiow-Ling Lee and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2011. Fermentation with Aspergillus awamori enhanced contents of amino nitrogen and total phenolics as well as the low-density lipoprotein oxidation inhibitory activity of black soybeans. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59(8):3974-3979 (SCI) |
2011 |
Chu-Ting Liu, Fang-Jung Chu, Cheng-Chun Chou. and Roch-Chui Yu.* 2011. Antiproliferative and anticytotoxic effects of cell fractions and exopolysaccharides from Lactobacillus casei 01. Mutat. Res. 821(2-3):157-162.(SCI) |
2011 |
Yung-Hsin Huang, Ting-jang Lu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2011. Ripening temperature affects the content and distribution of isoflavones in sufu, a fermented soybean curd. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 46(2): 257-262.(SCI) |
2010 |
Yin-Soon Moy, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Changes in the content of sugars and organic acids during the ripening and storage of sufu, a traditional oriental fermented product of soybean cubes. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58(24):12790-12793.(SCI) |
2010 |
Wan-Ling Hsiao, Wei-Li Ho, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Sub-lethal heat treatment affects the tolerance of Cronobacter sakazakii BCRC 13988 to various organic acids, simulated gastric juice and bile solution. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 144(2): 280-284.(SCI) |
2010 |
Ming-Yen Juan, Chia-Hsuan Wu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Fermentation with Bacillus spp. as a bioprocess to enhance anthocyanin content, the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory effect, and the reducing activity of black soybeans. Food Microbiol. 27(7): 918-923.(SCI) |
2010 |
Chien-Li Liao, Hui-Yu Huang, Lee-Yan Sheen, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Anti-inflammatory activity of soymilk and fermented soymilk prepared with lactic acid bacterium and bifidobacterium. J. Food Drug Anal. 18(3)202-210.(SCI) |
2010 |
Ming-Yen Juan, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Enhancement of antioxidant activity, total phenolic and flavonoid content of black soybeans by solid state fermentation with Bacillus subtilis BCRC 14715. Food Microbiol. 27(5):586-591.(SCI) |
2010 |
Yen-Yi Li, Roch-Chui Yu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Some biochemical and physical changes during the preparation of the enzyme-ripening sufu, a fermented product of soybean curd. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58(8):4888-4893.(SCI) |
2010 |
Ru-Yue Huang, Yen-Ju Wang, Lee-Yan Sheen, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Storage temperature and packaging condition affect the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of black soybeans and koji. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 45 (3):437-443.(SCI) |
2010 |
Yen-Ju Wang, Lee-Yan Sheen, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Storage effects on the content of anthocyanin, mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of black soybean koji. LWT-Food Sci. Technol. 43(4):702-707.(SCI) |
2010 |
Wan-Ling Hsiao, Chia-Hsiang Chang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. Heat shock effects on the viability of Cronobacter sakazakii during the dehydration, fermentation, and storage of lactic cultured milk products. Food Microbiol. 27(2):280-285.(SCI) |
2010 |
Chia-Hsiang Chang, Ming-Lun Chiang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2010. The effect of heat shock on the response of Cronobacter sakazakii to subsequent lethal stresses. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 7:(1)71-76.(SCI) |
2009 |
Chia-Hsuan Wu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. Enhancement of aglycone, vitamin K2 and superoxide dismutase activity of black soybean through fermentation with Bacillus subtilis BCRC 14715 at different temperatures. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57(22):10695-10700. (SCI) |
2009 |
Chia-Hsiang Chang, Ming-Lun Chiang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. The effect of temperature and length of heat shock treatment on the thermal tolerance and cell leakage of Cronobacter sakazakii BCRC 13988. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 134(3):184-189. (SCI) |
2009 |
Chu-Ting Liu, Chu-Ting Liu, Cheng-Chun Chou, Pei-Ren Lo, and Roch-Chui Yu.* 2009. Exopolysaccharide production of Lactobacillus salivarius BCRC 14759 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BCRC 14615. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 25(5):883-890. (SCI) |
2009 |
Jui-Lin Chen, Ming-Lun Chiang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. Ethanol-, NaCl-susceptibility and protein expression of acid-adapted B. cereus 1-4-1 as well as its growth patterns in the presence of various carbon and nitrogen sources. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 6(4):453-460. (SCI) |
2009 |
Ming-Lun Chiang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. Survival of Vibrio parahaemolyticus under environmental stresses as influenced by growth phase and pre-adaptation treatment. Food Microbiol. 26(4):391-395. (SCI) |
2009 |
Ru-Yue Huang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. Stability of isoflavone isomers in steamed black soybeans and black soybean koji stored under different conditions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57(5): 1927–1932. (SCI) |
2009 |
Yu-Ping Sun, Cheng-Chun Chou, and Roch-Chui Yu.* 2009. Antioxidant activity of lactic-fermented Chinese cabbage. Food Chem. 115(3):912-917. (SCI) |
2009 |
Yu-Hsiang Hung, Yen-Ju Wang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. Antimutagenic activity of Aspergillus awamori-fermented black soybean response to simulated digestive juice treatments and its antimutagenic mechanisms. LWT-Food Sci. Technol. 42(1):56-62. (SCI) |
2009 |
Jui-Lin Chen, Ming-Lun Chiang and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. Survival of the acid-adapted Bacillus cereus in acidic environments. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 128(3):424-428. (SCI) |
2009 |
Jui-Lin Chen, Ming-Lun Chiang and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. The effect of acid adaptation on the susceptibility of B. cereus to the stresses of temperature and H2O2 as well as enterotoxin production. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 6(1):71-79. (SCI) |
2009 |
Yi-Ching Lin, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2009. Total phenolic and anthocyanin contents as well as antioxidant activity of Aspergillus awamori- fermented black soybeans, a healthy food ingredients, in relation to various heat treatments. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. 60(7): 627-636 |
2008 |
Ru-Yue Huang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2008. Heating affects the content and distribution profile of isoflavones in steamed black soybeans and black soybean koji. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56(18):8484-8489. (SCI) |
2008 |
Ming-Lun Chiang, Wei-Li Ho, Roch-Chui Yu and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2008. Protein expression in Vibrio parahaemolyticus 690 subjected to sublethal heat and ethanol shock treatments. J. Food Prot. 71(11):2289-2294. (SCI) |
2008 |
Meng-Li Hsieh, Pei-Ren Lo, Roch-Chui Yu and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2008. Changes of mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of the lactic fermented soymilk after exposure to acid, bile salt and heating. J. Sci. Food Agric. 88(11):1900-1904. (SCI) |
2008 |
Yen-Ju Wang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2008. Content of total phenolics and anthocyanins and the antimutagenicity of Aspergillus awamori-fermented black soybean, a healthy food ingredient, after heat treatment. J. Food Drug Anal. 16(5):70-76. (SCI) |
2008 |
Hsuan-Wen Shen, Roch-Chui Yu and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2008.Viability of acid-adapted and non-adapted Bacillus cereus during the lactic fermentation of skim milk and product storage at 5℃. J. Food Drug Anal. 16(2):88-94. (SCI) |
2008 |
Ming-Lun Chiang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2008. Expression of superoxide dismutase, catalase and thermostable direct hemolysin by, and growth in the presence of various nitrogen and carbon sources of heat-shocked and ethanol-shocked Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 121(3):268-274. (SCI) |
2008 |
Ming-Lun Chiang, Wei-Li Ho, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2008. Ethanol shock changes the fatty acid profile and survival behavior of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in various stress conditions. Food Microbiol. 25(2):359-365. (SCI) |
2008 |
I-Hsin Lee, Yu-Hsiang Hung, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2008. Solid-state fermentation with fungi to enhance the antioxidative activity, total phenolic and anthocyanin contents of black bean. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 121(2):150-156. (SCI) |
2007 |
Tsui-Chu Yang, Chin-Fung Li, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2007. Cell age, suspend medium and metal ion influence the susceptibility of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to water soluble maltose chitosan derivative. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 113(3):258-262. (SCI) |
2007 |
Yu-Hsiang Hung,, Hui-Yu Huang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2007. Mutagenic and antimutagenic effects of methanol extracts of unfermented and fermented black soybeans. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 118(1):62-68. (SCI) |
2007 |
Meng-Li Hsieh, Fang, Shao W., Roch-Chui Yu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2007. Possible mechanisms of the antimutagenicity of fermented soymilk prepared with co-culture of Streptococcus infantis and Bifidobacterium infantis. J. Food Prot. 70(4):1025-1028. (SCI) |
2007 |
Chih-An Hsu, Shiow-Ling Lee, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2007. Enzymatic production of galactooligosaccharides by β-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium longum BCRC 15708. J. Agric. Food Chem. 55(6):2225-2230. (SCI) |
2007 |
Hsin-Yi Yang, Wei-Li Ho, Cheng-Ming Chang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2007. Antibacterial activity of propolis ethanol extract against Streptococcus mutans as influenced by concentration, temperature, pH and cell age. J. Food Drug Anal. 15(1):75-81. (SCI) |
2007 |
Chih-An Hsu, Roch-Chui Yu, Shiow-Ling Lee, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2007. Cultural condition affecting the growth and production of β-galactosidase by Bifidobacterium longum CCRC 15708 in a jar fermenter. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 116(1):186-189. (SCI) |
2007 |
I-Hsin Lee, Yu-Hsiang Hung, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2007. Total phenolic and anthocyanin contents as well as antioxidant activity of black bean koji fermented by Aspergillus awamori under different culture conditions. Food Chem. 104(3):936-942. (SCI) |
2007 |
Hsuan-Wen Shen, Roch-Chui Yu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2007. Acid adaptation affects the viability of Salmonella typhimurium during the lactic fermentation of skim milk and product storage. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 114(3):380-385. (SCI) |
2006 |
Po-Jung Chien, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Antifugal activity of chitosan and its application to control postharvest quality and fungal rotting of Tankan citrus fruit (Citrus tankan Hayata). J. Sci. Food Agric. 86(12): 1964-1969. (SCI) |
2006 |
Meng-Li Hsieh, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Mutagenicity and antimutagenic effect of soymilk fermented with lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 111(1): 43-47. (SCI) |
2006 |
Chia-Hung Lin, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Suppression on the mutagenicity of 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide by the methanol extracts of soybean koji prepared with various filamentous fungi. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 110(1): 19-23. (SCI) |
2006 |
Hsiang-Lin Chien, Hui-Yu Huang, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Transformation of isoflavone phytoesterogens during the fermentation of soymilk with lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Food Microbiol. 23(8):772-778. (SCI) |
2006 |
Fang, Shao W.,* Yang, Ching J., Shih, Daniel Y.C., Cheng-Chun Chou, and Roch-Chui Yu. 2006. Amplified fragment length polymorphism, serotyping, and quinolone resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli strains from chicken-related sample and human in Taiwan. J. Food Prot. 69(4): 775-783. (SCI) |
2006 |
Ming-Lun Chiang, Wei-Li Ho and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Response of Vibrio parahaemolyticus to ethanol shock. Food Microbiol. 23(5): 461–467. (SCI) |
2006 |
Hsin-Yi Yang, Cheng-Ming Chang, Yue-Wen Chen and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Inhibitory effect of propolis extract on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes and the mutagenicity of 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide. J. Sci. Food Agric. 86(6): 937-943. (SCI) |
2006 |
Yi-Chieh Wang, Roch-Chui Yu and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Antioxidative activities of soymilk fermented with lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Food Microbiol. 23(2): 128-135. (SCI) |
2006 |
I-Hsin Lee and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Distribution profiles of isoflavone isomers in black bean kojis prepared with various filamentous fungi. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54(4): 1309-1314. (SCI) |
2006 |
Chih-An Hsu, Roch-Chui Yu, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Purification and characterization of a sodium-stimulated β-galactosidase from Bifidobacterium longum CCRC 15708. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 22(4): 355 - 361. (SCI) |
2006 |
Chia-Hung Lin, Yi-Tien Wei, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Enhanced antioxidative activity of soybean koji prepared with various filamentous fungi. Food Microbiol. 23(7): 628-633. (SCI) |
2006 |
Chia-Hung Lin, Yi-Tien Wei, and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 2006. Cultivation temperature and length affect the antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of soybean koji prepared with Aspergillus awamori. J. Food Drug Anal. 14(1): 74-79. (SCI) |
2005 |
Chang, Y. C., Yu, R. C., Yang, H. Y., and Chou, C. C.* 2005. Physical factors and reuse affect the production of cholesterol oxidase in reactors containing calcium alginate-immobilized Rhodococcus equi No. 23. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 21(6-7): 1129-1134.(SCI) |
2005 |
Yang, T. C., Chou, C. C.* and Li, C. F. 2005. Antibacterial activity of N-alkylated disaccharide chitosan derivatives. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 97(3): 237-245.(SCI) |
2005 |
Lu, L. C., Chen, Y. W. and Chou, C. C.* 2005. Antibacterial activity of propolis against Staphylococcus aureus. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 102(2): 213-220.(SCI) |
2005 |
Chiang, M. L., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2005. Fatty acid composition, cell morphology and responses to challenge by organic acid and sodium chloride of heat-shocked Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 104(2): 179-187.(SCI) |
2005 |
Hsu, C. A., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2005. Production of β-galactosidase by bifidobacteria as influenced by various culture conditions. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 104(2): 197-206.(SCI) |
2005 |
Chen, Y. L. and Chou, C. C.* 2005. Factors affecting the susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus CCRC 12657 to water soluble lactose chitosan derivative. Food Microbiol. 22(1): 29-35.(SCI) |
2005 |
Yu, P. J. and Chou, C. C.* 2005. Factors affecting the growth and milk-clotting enzyme production by Amylomyces rouxii in rice medium. Food Technol. Biotechnol. 43(3): 283-288.(SCI) |
2005 |
Yang, T. C., Li, C. F., Chou, S. S. and Chou, C. C.* 2005. Adsorption of metal cations by the water soluble N-alkylated disaccharide chitosan derivatives. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 98(2): 564-570.(SCI) |
2004 |
Lin, Y. D. and Chou, C. C.* 2004. Effect of heat shock on thermal tolerance and susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes to other environmental stresses. Food Microbiol. 21(5): 605-610.(SCI) |
2004 |
Hsiao, H. C., Lian, W. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2004. Effect of packaging condition and temperature on viability of various microencapsulated bifidobaceria during storage. J. Sci. Food Agric. 84(2): 134-139.(SCI) |
2004 |
Ho, W. Li., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2004. Effect of iron limitation on the growth and cytotoxin production of Salmonella choleraesuis SC-5. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 90(3): 295-302.(SCI) |
2004 |
Lin, C., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2004. Susceptibility of Vibrio parahaemolyticus to various environmental stresses after cold shock treatment. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 92(2): 207-215.(SCI) |
2004 |
Lo, P. R., Yu, R. C.,* Chou, C. C. and Huang, E. C. 2004. Determinations of the antimutagenic activities of several probiotic bifidobacteria under acidic and bile conditions against benzo[a]pyrene by a modified Ames test. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 93(2): 249-257.(SCI) |
2004 |
Wang, Y. C., Yu. R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2004. Viability of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria in fermented soymilk after drying, subsequent rehydration and storage. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 93(2): 209-217.(SCI) |
2004 |
Lin, H. Y. and Chou, C. C.* 2004. Antioxidative activities of water-soluble disaccharide chitosan derivatives. Food Res. Intern. 37(9): 883-889.(SCI) |
2004 |
Chang, C. M., Chiang, M. L. and Chou, C. C.* 2004. Respones of heat-shocked Vibrio parahaemolyticus to subsequent physical and chemical stresses. J. Food Prot. 67(10): 2183-2188.(SCI) |
2003 |
Wang, Y. C., Yu, R. C., Yang, H. Y. and Chou, C. C.* 2003. Sugar, acid and B-vitamin contents in soymilk fermented with lactic acid bacteria alone or simultaneously with bifidobacteria. Food Microbiol. 20(3): 333-338.(SCI) |
2003 |
Cheng, H. Y., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2003. Increased acid tolerance of Escherichia coli O157:H7 as affected by acid adaptation time and conditions of acid challenge. Food Res. Intern. 36(1): 49-56.(SCI) |
2003 |
Lian, W. C., Hsiao, H. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2003. Viability of microencapsulated bifidobacteria in simulated gastric juice and bile solution. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 86(3): 293-301.(SCI) |
2003 |
Lu, L. C., Chen, Y. W. and Chou, C. C.* 2003. Antibacterial and DPPH free radical-scavenging activities of the ethanol extract of propolis collected in Taiwan. J. Food Drug Anal. 11(4): 277-282.(SCI) |
2002 |
Wang, Y. C., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2002. Growth and survival of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria during the fermentation and storage of cultured soymilk drinks. Food Microbiol. 19(5): 501-508.(SCI) |
2002 |
Lo, P. R., Yu, R. C., Chou, C. C.* and Tsai, Y. H. 2002. Antimutagenic activity of several probiotic bifidobacteria against benzo[a]pyrene. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 94(2): 148-153.(SCI) |
2002 |
Yang, T. C., Chou, C. C.* and Li, C. F. 2002. Preparation, water solubility and rheological property of the N-alkylated mono or disaccharide chitosan derivatives. Food Res. Intern. 35(8): 707-713.(SCI) |
2002 |
Chang, Y. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2002. Growth and production of cholesterol oxidase by alginate-immobilized cells of Rhodococcus equi No. 23. Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 35(2): 69-74.(SCI) |
2002 |
Lian, W. C., Hsiao, H. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2002. Survival of bifidobacteria after spray drying. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 74(1): 79-86.(SCI) |
2002 |
Peng, J. S., Tsai, W. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2002. Inactivation and removal of Bacillus cereus by sanitizer and detergent. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 77(1): 11-18.(SCI) |
2002 |
Cheng, H. Y., Yang, H. Y. and Chou C. C.* 2002. Influence of acid adaptation on the tolerance of Escherichia coli O157:H7 toward some subsequent stresses. J. Food Prot. 65(2): 260-265.(SCI) |
2001 |
Huang, C. J., Lee, S. L. and Chou, C. C.* 2001. Production of 2-phenylethanol, a flavor ingredient, by Pichia fermentans L-5 under various culture conditions. Food Res. Int. 34(4): 277-282.(SCI) |
2001 |
Yang, S. E., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2001. Influence of holding temperature on the growth and survival of Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus and the production of staphylococcal enterotoxin in egg products. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 63(1): 99-107.(SCI) |
2001 |
Peng, J. S., Tsai, W. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2001. Surface characteristics of Bacillus cereus and its adhesion to stainless steel. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 65(1): 105-111.(SCI) |
2001 |
Ho, W. L. and Chou, C. C.* 2001. Effects of carbon and nitrogen sources, sodium chloride and culture conditions on cytotoxin production by Salmonella choleraesuis. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 67(1): 81-88.(SCI) |
2001 |
Cheng, H. Y. and Chou, C. C.* 2001. Acid adaptation and temperature effect on the survival of E. coli O157:H7 in acidic fruit juice and lactic fermented milk products. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 70(1): 189-195.(SCI) |
2000 |
Chou, C. C.* and Yang, S. E. 2000. Growth and survival behavior of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in egg products held at different temperatures. J. Food Prot. 63(7): 907-911.(SCI) |
2000 |
Chou C. C. and Cheng, S. J. 2000. Recovery of low temperature-stressed E. coli O157:H7 and its susceptibility to crystal violet, bile salt, sodium chloride and ethanol. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 61(2): 127-136.(SCI) |
2000 |
Chang, J. H., Chou, C. C.* and Li, C. F. 2000. Growth and survival of E. coli O157:H7 during the fermentation and storage of diluted cultured milk drink. Food Microbiol. 17(6): 579-587.(SCI) |
2000 |
何偉瑮, 周正俊.* 2000. 沙門氏桿菌在胰腖大豆培養液及乳品中細胞毒素之產生及此毒素之熱安定性. 台灣農化與食品科學. 38: 515-522. |
2000 |
余佩璟, 周正俊.* 2000. Amylomyces rouxii在米基質中之生長及凝乳酶之產生. 台灣農化與食品科學. 38: 483-489. |
2000 |
凌美月, 周正俊.* 2000. 利用擠壓與傳統基質製備醬麴與醬油時胜肽分子之分佈。台灣農化與食品科學. 38: 418-423. |
2000 |
Huang, C. J., Lee, S. L. and Chou, C. C.* 2000. Production and molar yield of 2-phenyleyhanol by Pichia fermentans L-5 as affected by some medium components. J. Biosci. Bioeng. 90(2): 142-147.(SCI) |
2000 |
Chou, C. C.* and Hou, J. W. 2000. Growth of bifidobacteria in soymilk and their survival in the fermented soymilk drink during storage. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 56(1-3): 113-121.(SCI) |
2000 |
Hou, J. W., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.* 2000. Changes in some components of soymilk during fermentation with bifidobacteria. Food Res. Int. 33(5):393-397.(SCI) |
1999 |
李明聰, 陳文章, 周正俊.* 1999.不同條件下Rhodococcus equi No. 23 生產膽固醇氧化酶培養液中膽固醇顆粒大小及質量之分佈. 中國農化會誌. 37(4): 523-532. |
1999 |
Lee, S. L., Cheng, H. Y., Chen, W. C. and Chou, C. C.* 1999. Effect of physical factors on the production of γ-decalactone by immobilized cells of Sporidiobolus salmonicolor. Process Biochem. 34(8): 845-850.(SCI) |
1999 |
Lee, M. T., Chen, W. C. and Chou, C. C.* 1999. Optimization and kinetic analysis of cholesterol oxidase production by Rhodococcus equi No. 23 in submerged cultures. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 25(7): 598-604.(SCI) |
1999 |
Chou, C. C.*, Cheng, S. J., Wang, Y. C. and Chung, K. T. 1999. Behavior of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes in tryptic soy broth subjected to various low temperature treatments. Food Res. Int. 32(1): 1-6.(SCI) |
1999 |
Chou, C. C.*, Lin, L. L. and Chung, K. T. 1999. Antimiorobial activity of tea as affected by the degree of fermentation and manufacturing season. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 48(2): 125-130.(SCI) |
1999 |
Chou, C. C.*, Lee, M. T. and Chen, W. C. 1999. Production of cholesterol oxidase by Rhodococcus equi No. 23 in a jar fermentor. Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 29(3): 217-221.(SCI) |
1999 |
Hwan, C. H. and Chou, C. C.* 1999. Volatile components of the Chinese fermented soya bean curd as affected by the addition of ethanol in ageing solution. J. Sci. Food Agric. 79(2):243-248.(SCI) |
1998 |
Chou, C. C.* and Ling, M. Y. 1998. Biochemical changes in soy sauce prepared with extruded and traditional materials. Food Res. Int. 31(6-7): 487-492.(SCI) |
1998 |
Yu, C. F. and Chou, C. C.* 1998. Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Chinese-style sausage subjected to different packaging and storage conditions. J. Sci. Food Agric. 78(4): 486-490.(SCI) |
1998 |
凌美月, 周正俊.* 1998. 擠壓處理對醬油發酵基質及成品中香氣成分之影響. 中國農化會誌. 36(5): 503-511. |
1998 |
李明聰, 陳文章, 周正俊.* 1998. 生產膽固醇酶培養基組合成分之起泡性. 中國農業化會誌. 36(4): 363-370. |
1998 |
凌美月, 周正俊.* 1998. 利用擠壓與傳統原料製備醬醪熟成時微生物與蛋白酶之變化. 食品科學. 25(5): 505-513. |
1998 |
Lee, M. T., Chen, C. W. and Chou, C. C.* 1998. Maximization of cholesterol oxidase production by No. 23. using response surface methology. Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 28(3): 229-233.(SCI) |
1998 |
Lee, S. L. Cheng, H. Y. Chen,W. C. and Chou, C. C.* 1998. Production of g-decalactone from ricinoleic acid by immobilised cells of Sporidiobolus salmonicolor. Process Biochem. 33(4): 453-459.(SCI) |
1997 |
余佩璟, 周正俊.* 1997.不同甜酒釀汁液製備〝光奶〞產品之品質. 食品科學. 24(5): 591-602. |
1997 |
楊震南, 周正俊.* 1997. 檳榔嚼塊配料不同抽出物之抗菌活性. 食品科學. 24(5): 497-505. |
1997 |
Lee, M. J., Chen, W. C. and Chou, C. C.* 1997. Medium improvement by Orthogonal array designs for Cholesterol oxidase production by Rhodoccus equi No. 23. Process Biochem.32(8): 697-703.(SCI) |
1997 |
Lee, M. T., Chen, W. C. and Chou, C. C.* 1997. Nutritional factors that affect the production of cholesterol oxidase by Rhodococcus equi No. 23. Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 26(3): 159-162.(SCI) |
1997 |
Chou, C. C.* and Chen, L. F. 1997. Enterotoxin production by Staphylococcus warneri CCRC 12929- A coagulase negative strain. J. Food Prot. 60(8): 923-927.(SCI) |
1997 |
洪燕青, 周正俊.* 1997. Amylomyces rouxii在液態培養條件下之生長與凝乳酵素之產生. 中國農業化學會誌 35(4): 422-432. |
1997 |
Yu, C. F. and Chou, C. C.* 1997. Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Chinese-style sausage during the drying step of the manufacture process as affected by the drying condition and curing agent. J. Sci. Food Agric. 74(4): 551-556.(SCI) |
1997 |
陳麗芬, 周正俊.* 1997. 凝固酶陰性葡萄球菌-Staphylococcus warneri CCRC 12929 與 S. haemolyticus CCRC 12923 在牛乳與羊乳中之生長與腸毒素之產生. 食品科學 24(1): 120-128. |
1996 |
張文亮, 周正俊.* 1996. 溫度, pH與一些化合物之添加對Aspergillus tamarii麴酸產生之影響. 食品科學 23(4): 520-528. |
1996 |
游薔樺, 周正俊.* 1996. 醃漬劑在不同溫度下對碎豬肉中出血性大腸桿菌生長之影響. 中國農業化學會誌 34(2):165-173. |
1996 |
周正俊,* 蔡漢蓉. 1996. 不同pH與溫度下亞硝酸鈉對Aeromonas hydrophila之抗菌活性. 食品科學 23(2): 159-167. |
1996 |
Lu, J. M., Yu, R. C. and Chou, C. C.** 1996. Purification and properties of glutaminase from, starter of sufu. J. Sci. Food Agric. 70(4):509-514.(SCI) |
1996 |
Tsai, S. H. and Chou, C. C.* 1996. Injury, inhibition and inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by potassium sorbate and sodium nitrite as affected by pH and temperatures. J. Sci. Food Agric. 71(1):10-12.(SCI) |
1996 |
Lin, S. J., Lee, S. L. and Chou, C. C.* 1996. Effects of various fatty acid components of castor oil on the growth and production of γ-decalactone by Sporobolomyces odorus. J. Ferm. Bioeng. 82(1):42-45.(SCI) |
1996 |
Ling, M. Y. and Chou, C. C.* 1996. Biochemical changes during the preparation of soy sauce koji with extruded and traditional raw materials. Internal. J. Food Sci. Technol. 31(6):511-517.(SCI) |
1996 |
張文亮, 周正俊.* 1996. 振盪與靜置培養下不同黴菌在二種培養基中之生長與麴酸之產量. 食品科學 23(3): 346-355. |
1995 |
Ling, M. Y. and Chou, C. C.* 1995. Growth and enzyme production by Aspergillus oryzae in various extruded fermentation substrate as a function of extrusion variables. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 33(5):521-532. |
1995 |
凌美月, 周正俊.* 1995. 擠壓加工條件對醬油發酵基質物理及生化特性之影響. 中國農業化學會誌. 33(2): 177-189. |
1995 |
Chou, C. C.* and Rawn, J. H. 1995. Mycelial propagation and enzyme production in koji prepared with Aspergillus oryzae on various rice extrudates and steamed rice. J. Ferment. Bioeng. 79(5):509-512.(SCI). |
1995 |
Lee, S. L., Lin, S. J. and Chou, C. C.* 1995. Growth and production ofγ-decalactone by Sporobolomyces odorus in jar fermentors as affected by pH, aeration and fed-batch technique. J. Ferm. Bioeng. 88(2):195-199.(SCI). |
1995 |
呂瑞梅, 游若篍, 周正俊.* 1995. Actinomucor taiwanensis在液態培養條件下之生長及麩醯胺酶之產生. 中國農業化學會誌. 33(4): 404-411. |
1994 |
黃瓊萱, 周正俊.* 1994. 不同菌酛釀造之豆腐乳中核苷酸, 有機酸, 醣類之含量及一些物理特性. 食品科學 21(2):124-133. |
1994 |
Chou, C. C.* and Lee, S. L. 1994. Effect of castor oil hydrolysate on the production ofγ-decalactone and cis-6-dodecen-4-olide by Sporobolomyces odorus. P.540-542. In Yano, T., Matsuno, R. and Nakawura, K. (ed.) Developments in Food Engineering, I. Blackie Academic & Professional, London, England. |
1994 |
Lee, S. L. and Chou, C. C.* 1994. Growth and production of γ-decalactone and cis-6-docencen-4-olide by Sporobolomyces odorus in the presence of fatty acids and oil. J. Ferment. Bioeng. 78(1):114-116.(SCI). |
1994 |
蔡韶慧, 周正俊.* 1994. 低溫與加熱處理對碎豬肉與cooled meat medium中出血性大腸桿菌存活之影響. 食品科學 21(3): 175-181. |
1994 |
劉毓秀, 周正俊.* 1994. 熟成期間豆腐乳各類蛋白質與水溶性胜肽之含量及呈味寡胜肽之胺基酸組成. 中國農業化學會誌 32(3): 276-283. |
1994 |
Chou, C. C.* and Hwan, C. H. 1994. Effect of ethanol on the hydrolysis of protein and lipid during the aging of a Chinese fermented soya bean curd-Sufu. J. Sci. Food Agric. 66(3):393-398.(SCI). |
1994 |
Yeh, C. H. and Chou, C. C.* 1994. Beheavior of Campylobacter jejuni during the manufacture and storage of Chinese-style sausage. Food Microbiol. 11(6):461-466.(SCI). |
1993 |
陳芝塋, 周正俊.* 1993. 甜酒釀之香氣成份. 食品科學 20(3): 229-238. |
1993 |
李綉鈴, 周正俊.,* 吳淳美. 1993. 利用反應曲面法尋求Sporobolomyces odorus產生γ-decalactone之最適條件. 中國農業化學會誌 31(1): 28-34. |
1993 |
蔡文瑛, 周正俊.* 1993. 微波加熱時牛奶中一些食品媒介毒原菌之存活. 食品科學 20(5):485-494. |
1993 |
王美人, 周正俊,* 游若篍. 1993. 枯草菌之DNA轉形對α-澱粉酶生產之研究. 中國農業化學會誌 31(4): 454-465. |
1993 |
周正俊,* 游若篍, 蔡青足. 1993. Actinomucor elegans, Actinomucor taiwanensis和Aspergillus oryzae中麩醯胺之生產. 中國農業化學會誌 31(1): 78-86. |
1993 |
阮進惠, 周正俊,* 呂政義. 1993. 進料水分與套筒溫度對擠壓米一些物化特性之影響. 食品科學 20(5): 441-449. |
1992 |
李綉鈴, 周正俊,* 吳淳美. 1992. Sporobolomyces odorus產生揮發香氣成份之影響因子. 中國農業化學會誌. 30(9): 471-473. |
1992 |
周正俊,* 蔡舒琪. 1992. 李斯特菌單胞菌在發酵乳酸飲料之製備與儲存時之存活. 食品科學. 19(13): 426-435. |
1992 |
Chou, C. C.* and Hsieh, T. H. 1992. Antimicrobial effect of propyl paraben on Listeria monocytogenes. In: Proceedings of 3rd World Congress Foodborne Infection and Intoxications. Vol.Ⅱ: 1150-1153. 3rd World Congress Foodborne Infection and Intoxications, 1992. Berlin, Germany. |
1992 |
劉毓秀, 周正俊.* 1992. 利用Actinomucor菌株釀造豆腐乳時黴胚酵素活性與熟成浸漬液中一些成分之變化. 食品科學. 19(1): 57-67. |
1991 |
黃國榮, 周正俊.* 1991. Streptococcus faecium及Torulaspora delbcueckii在麴汁培養基及豆瓣醬中風味成分之生成. 中國農業化學會誌. 29(4): 475-483. |
1991 |
陳芝瑩, 周正俊.* 1991. 不同菌酛釀造甜酒釀時之生化變化. 食品科學. 18(4): 404-415. |
1991 |
李綉鈴, 周正俊,* 吳淳美. 1991, Kluveromyces lactis, Ceratocystis moniliformis及Sporobolomyces odorus之香氣成分鑑定. 中國農業化學會誌. 29(1): 43-53. |
1991 |
蔡文瑛, 周正俊.* 1991. 以微波爐米粥加熱及絞肉解凍時一些食品中毒細菌之存活. 食品科學. 18: 266-274. |
1991 |
黃國榮, 周正俊.* 1991. Streptococcus faecium及Toculaspora delbcueckii對豆瓣醬熟成時一些化學成分變化之影響. 中國農業化學會誌. 29(2): 186-194. |
1990 |
許咨陽, 周正俊.* 1990. 魷魚墨汁之抗菌作用. 中國農業化學會誌. 28(1): 59-68. |
1990 |
Hwang, G. R., Cheng-Chun Chou.,* Wang, Y. T. 1990. Behavior of microorganism and enzyme activity during the aging of 4 experimental tou-pan-chiang mashes, J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 28(3):210-218. |
1990 |
蕭錦良, 周正俊.* 1990. 乙醇對Actinomucor taiwanensis各水解酵素及豆腐基質水解之影響. 食品科學. 17(2): 160-166. |
1989 |
葉哲輝, 周正俊.* 1989. 醃漬劑對Campylobacter jejuni在Semisolid Brucella Broth中生長與存活之影響. 食品科學. 16(2): 157-165. |
1989 |
Tsay, W. I. and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 1989. Influence of potassium sorbate on the growth of Yersinia enterocolitica. J. Food Prot. 52(10): 723-726.(SCI) |
1989 |
蕭錦良, 周正俊.* 1989. 食鹽對Actinomucor taiwane各水解酵素活性及豆腐基質酵素水解之影響. 食品科學. 16(3): 210-217. |
1988 |
Ho. F. M. and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 1988. Growth and protease production by Bacillus species in crab canning waste liquor. J. Chinese Agric. Chem. Soc. 26(3): 379-388. |
1988 |
Cheng-Chun Chou.,* Hwang, G. R. and Ho, F. M. 1988. Changes of microbiol flora and enzyme activity during the ageing of Tou- Pan- Chiang, a Chinese fermented condiment. J. Ferment. Technol. 66(4): 473-478.(SCI) |
1988 |
周正俊.,* 李妙妙, 簡希文. 1988. 台灣一些食物與其相關物中Campylobacter jejuni之檢出. 食品科學. 15(4): 452-457. |
1988 |
黃國榮, 周正俊.,* 王亞貞. 1988. 豆瓣醬膠中乳酸菌與酵母菌之分離鑑定與篩選, 中國農業化學會誌. 26(4): 447-456. |
1988 |
Cheng-Chun Chou.,* Ho F. M. and Tasi C. S. 1988. Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the growth of and enzyme production by Actinomucor taiwanesis during sufu pehtze preparation. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54(3): 688-692.(SCI) |
1987 |
游淑玲, 周正俊.* 1987. 不同鹽度下醃漬泡菜時一些食品中毒菌之存活. 食品科學.14(3): 119-128. |
1987 |
黃國榮, 周正俊.,* 何明. 1987. 豆瓣醬製麴過程中微生物族群與生化變化. 中國農業化學會誌. 25(1): 47-59. |
1987 |
蘇堯銘, 周正俊.,* 劉廷英. 1987. 牡蠣中腸炎弧菌在運銷過程及佐料添加下之存活. 中國農業化學會誌. 25(1): 82-90. |
1987 |
Chou, C. C. and Lin, L. L. 1987. Antimicrobial activity of tea flush. Proceeding of Π world Congress of Food Technology. Barcelona. Spain. 1-10. |
1987 |
林麗芳, 方祖達, 周正俊.* 1987. Bacillus coagulans之生理特性及其應用於醃漬工廠可行性之探討. 食品科學. 14(1-2): 27-33. |
1987 |
周正俊.,* 劉成章, 李綉鈴, 劉廷英. 1987. 米飯中之微生物品質及一些食品中毒細菌之生長. 中國農業化學會誌. 25(4): 460-468. |
1987 |
游淑玲, 周正俊.* 1987, 醃漬蔬菜在不同溫度下儲藏時一些食品中毒細菌之存活. 食品科學. 14(4): 296-305. |
1987 |
黃國榮, 周正俊.* 1987. 豆瓣醬熟成過程中之物理, 化學變化. 中國農業化學會誌. 25(4): 469-475. |
1986 |
何明, 朱維忠, 周正俊.* 1986. Aspergillus屬菌株在蟹肉製罐廢液中之生長與酵素之生產. 中國農業化學會誌. 24(1): 55-62. |
1986 |
陳三弘, 蔡錫舜, 周正俊.* 1986. 利用甘藷製造果糖糖漿:(1)甘藷澱粉之液化與糖化, 中國農業化學會誌. 24(3): 309-319. |
1986 |
楊俊賢, 周正俊.* 1986, 發酵香蕉飲料之研究:(3)褐變抑制劑對乳酸菌在香蕉基質中生長影響, 中國農業化學會誌, 24(3): 294-300. |
1986 |
周正俊.,* 朱維忠, 何明. 1986. 影響Aspergillus niger在蟹肉製罐廢液中生長及酵素生產之因素. 中國農業化學會誌. 24(2): 168-174. |
1986 |
黃國榮, 周正俊.* 1986. 發酵香蕉飲料之研究:(2)發酵香蕉基質之安定性與成分變化以及發酵飲料之製備. 中國農業化學會誌. 24(1): 31-36. |
1985 |
黃國榮, 周正俊.* 1985. 發酵香蕉飲料之研究:(1)香蕉原料之成熟度與酵素糖化前處理對乳酸菌之生長與活性之影響. 中國農業化學會誌. 23(3-4): 288-299. |
1985 |
吳丁山, 周正俊.* 1985. 利用芳香乳菌製備發酵米奶飲料 (2)發酵米奶中成分之變化與發酵米奶飲料之製備. 食品科學. 12(1-2): 60-66. |
1984 |
Yu, R. C. and Cheng-Chun Chou.* 1984. Effect of Piper betle L. and its extracts on the growth and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus. Proceedings of the National Science Council, Part B: Life Sciences 8(1): 30-35. |
1984 |
吳丁山, 周正俊.* 1984. 利用芳香乳菌製備發酵米奶飲料 (1)芳香乳酸菌在米奶中之生長與活性. 食品科學. 11(3-4): 198-212. |
1984 |
殷正華, 周正俊.* 1984. 不同鹽度下發酵筍之品質與其包裝貯藏過程中品質之變化. 食品科學. 11(1-2): 15-25. |
1983 |
殷正華, 周正俊.* 1983. 鹽度對於竹筍發酵過程中微生物相及主要乳酸菌變化之影響. 食品科學. 10(3-4): 62-73. |
1983 |
林麗芳, 方祖達, 周正俊.* 1983. Bacillus coagulans 純粹培養在醃漬辣椒上應用之探討. 台大農學院研究報告. 23(1): 1-14. |
1983 |
游若篍, 周正俊.* 1983. 荖藤中不同溶劑抽出物之抗菌性. 科學月刊. 11(5): 385-394. |
1982 |
王熹宣, 周正俊.,* 蔡玉吉. 1982. 不同凝固劑對於豆乾產量及物理性質之影響. 食品科學. 9(1-2) : 41-48. |
1982 |
王國祥, 周正俊.* 1982, 豆腐工廠廢液中 Aspergillus niger 之生長與 BOD 之降低. 食品科學. 9(3-4) : 116-124. |
1982 |
王熹宣, 蔡玉吉, 周正俊.* 1982. 不同凝固劑所製成豆乾之營養價. 食品科學. 9(3-4): 105-115. |
1982 |
張圓笙, 游若篍, 周正俊.* 1982. 香辛植物水漬出液抗菌性之初步探討. 食品科學. 8(2): 185-191. |
1981 |
張圓笙, 周正俊.* 1981. 荖藤對於Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus niger 和 Mucormucedo 孢子發芽之影響. 中國農業化學會誌. 19(1-2) : 99-107 |
1980 |
傅幼敏, 周正俊.* 1980. 中式火腿陳年時黴菌之分離. 食品科學. 7(2): 128-137. |
1980 |
楊盛行, 魏嘉碧, 周正俊. 1980. 台灣發酵食品中所含麴酸含量之調查研究. 台大農學院研究報告. 20(2): 25-34. |
1980 |
黃鴻英, 周正俊.* 1980. 黃麴毒素1污染之玉米氨化解毒處理後, 營養成分變化. 食品科學. 7(2): 118-127. |
1980 |
傅幼敏, 傅慧音, 周正俊.* 1980. 中式火腿陳年期間之生化變化. 食品科學. 7(1): 10-21. |
1979 |
林宏基, 周正俊,* 張為憲, 1979. α-Galactosidase之生產及豆漿中寡醣類之去除,.食品科學. 6(2): 123-135. |
1979 |
楊啟春, 簡美琴, 李澄宇, 陳新霖, 周正俊,* 呂政義. 1979. 溼式澱粉分離法對玉米黃麴毒素去毒功用之探討. 食品科學. 6(2): 99-108. |
1979 |
王西華, 陳樹功, 葉詩鈴, 劉俊煌, 周正俊.1977. 利用光合細菌處理綠豆澱粉廢液Rhodopseudomonus之分離及應用. 國立台灣大學農學院研究報告. 17(1): 50-58. |
1978 |
陳玲涓, 練友梅, 袁紹英, 王西華, 周正俊, 許駿發. 1978. 洋菇堆肥及覆土之二三嫌氣芽細胞之分布調查. 中國農業化學會誌. 16(1-2) : 83-98. |
1977 |
王西華, 陳樹功, 葉詩鈴, 劉俊煌, 周正俊.1977. 利用光合細菌處理綠豆澱粉廢液Rhodopseudomonus之分離及應用. 國立台灣大學農學院研究報告. 17(1): 50-58. |
1976 |
Cheng-Chun Chou. and Marth, E. H.* 1976. Distribution of aflatoxin B1 in tissues of mink (Mustela vison). Toxicol. 5: 351-358. (SCI) |
1976 |
Cheng-Chun Chou. and Marth, E. H.* 1976. Radioactivity in urine and feces of mink (Mustela vison) treated with (14C) aflatoxin B. Arch. Toxicol. 35: 75-81. (SCI) |
1976 |
Cheng-Chun Chou., Marth, E. H.,* and Shackelford, R. M. 1976. Mortality and some biochemical changes in mink (Mustela vison) given sublethal doses of aflatoxin each day. Am. J. Vet. Res. 37(10): 1233-1236. (SCI) |
1976 |
Cheng-Chun Chou., Marth, E. H.,* and Shackelford, R. M. 1976. Experimental acute aflatoxicosis in mink (Mustela vison). Am. J. Vet. Res. 37(10): 1227-1231. (SCI) |
1976 |
Cheng-Chun Chou., Marth, E. H.* and Shackelford R. M. 1976. Growth of mink (Mustela vison) kits when narsing dams given aflatoxin B1. Am. J. Vet. Res. 37(11): 1353-1354. (SCI) |
1976 |
Cheng-Chun Chou., Ladisch, M. R. and Tsao, G. T.* 1976. Studies on glucose isomerase from a streptomyces species. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 32(4): 489-493. (SCI) |
1969 |
Cheng-Chun Chou., and Marth, E. H.* 1969. A comparision of direct plating and enrichment method for detection and enumeration of coaguease-positive staphylcocci in forzen feeds of animal arigin. J. Miek and food Technol. 32(10): 398-403 (SCI) |
1969 |
Cheng-Chun Chou., and Marth, E. H.* 1969. Microbiology of some frozen and dried feedstuffs. J. Miek and Food Technol. 32(9): 372-278 (SCI). |
1975 |
Cheng-Chun Chou., and Marth, E. H.* 1975. Incororation of (2-14C) acetate into lipid of mink (Mustela vison) liver and intectine during in vitro and in vivo treatment with aflatoxin B. Appl. Microbiol. 30(b): 946-850 (SCI). |