NTU Food Science & Tech.

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Director's words

Institute of Food Science and Technology at NTU welcomes you. This institute, established in 1976, is the first independent graduate school adhering to no undergraduate departments in College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture in the university. This institute is a strict, serious educational and research institute and a relaxed, harmonious big family as well. The students are from various locations in the country or even from abroad. They graduated from the department of food science, biology, life science, chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, veterinary medicine, horticulture, agronomy, forestry, animal science, etc. They enjoy enough freedom in the selection of courses and research field. The latter can be nutrition, dietetics, chemistry, processing, engineering or microbiology. It is all up to each students interest to train for his own specialty.

This institute stand alone, but not lonely though. We collaborate happily with other units at NTU, including the Departments of Animal Science, Agricultural Chemistry, Biochemical Science and Technology, Horticulture, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering, and with organizations outside the campus, including Food Industry Research and Development Institute, China Grain Products Research and Development Institute, in teaching and research. The collaboration has been very fruitful. We maintain close working relations with major domestic food corporations through the execution of research projects. This institute also holds an interdepartmental Program of Food Science and Technology for those undergraduate students in relevant departments.

Food science and technology is to serve human beings. Therefore, the training in getting along with people is much emphasized. We appreciate students to have a joyful time in school. We treasure more the tie with them after graduation. The rate of turnout of alumni in the New Year Party, as co-organized by the institute and the alumni association, in recent years has been so great that may surpass any other academic units at NTU. We are so proud of such a strong patronage and tradition.

It has been 36 years since this institute came into existence. In these years, this institute keeps growing stronger. We are among the first-class food research institutes in Asia. We are looking forward to becoming a leader in Asia. You are heartily invited to join us in any way. We shall appreciate deeply your contribution to our progress.
Min-Hsiung Pan